Long Live Video Games

Maybe now the Counterstrike series can finally be upgraded without the community bitching to keep it the same.


Whats funny is Xbox 360 changed its voice chat quality to PS3 quality in one of the big updates. People saying Xbox was better.

So was Pandarens and Worlds of Starcraft. One is a reality and the other one will release at some point.

DLC has always and will always be optional to gamers. Not one person is ever forced to purchase or even download the free content that is available.

Rap/hiphop is making a comeback these days after hiding out in the underground.

Sort of realistic. Looking at breasts in real life supposedly helps the heart.

Its horrible how Americans bitch about their own country and don't understand how much freedom they truly have.

It is true. Piracy is lost sales. You agreed.

Hilarious how people can call themselves gamers but clueless on why Nintendo is releasing this.

At least the aiming reticule doesn't take forever to move around the screen like the previous 2.

Gamers are no longer in the 80s and 90s anymore where everyone followed each game one after the other. Today, gamers are more spread out than before and not just across different services, but enjoying different games. F2P doesn't have standard if you look at that area overall. There are a variety of different

Any post defending piracy. It is all over.

Yup people will make up any excuse to escape the truth. Piracy = lost sales.

The industry does their job with parental controls and ratings. This is bad parenting.

The theme song should make a return like it did in GTA 3.

How long has it been since a video game home console had a HDD? How long has it been since a video game home console introduced an online service with multiplayer AND required no additional setup by the player besides create account to play? ((Dreamcast failed. Microsoft came in and dominated.))

Its hilarious pirates can spit out any excuse to justify their piracy ways.

No rock or metal for you like Vice City?

Give them a chance to come up with online infrastructure for GTA that is accessible like Red Dead Redemption and doesn't use GFWL.