
Any hill is a good hill for some people to die on.

I agree with you re: his conception of sexual preference. He’s said since that this was his thinking at the time the book was conceived/written (early 1970s) and that his thinking has evolved since then.

I agree with you re: his conception of sexual preference. He’s said since that this was his thinking at the time the

If you thought that the Supergirl episode of the crossover was anything other than what it was, considering that it was advertised as an alien threat to the other universe, then you really just don’t understand how the CW multiverse works.

This is actually not a joke or an attempt to be ironic, just think maybe your post is a decent place to make this point.

Varying talent on the show was greatly outweighed by the fact that they managed to make the episode a crucial story point for 6 different storylines (The Willow mind-wipe lie, Buffy not being in hell, Spike liking Buffy, Xander/Anya relationship doubts, Giles leaving, and Dawn shoplifting) rather than a throw-away

These “islands in space” as he called them, would be massive: four miles in diameter, twenty miles long, they would contain five hundred square miles, ...The larger ones “could be fifteen miles in diameter, seventy-five miles long, and could have a total land area as much as seven thousand square miles...”

But! BUT! If it did happen, Luke would hide out in shame on an isolated planet, and it would surely cause an immense rift between Leia and Ha— god dammit.

Can you imagine the power level that their kids would have, though? I mean, they’d probably be able to use the force without being trained! Maybe even better them somebody who was trained, even a Sith... wait a minute.

Wolverine needs to write down the four names of the people he has to kill on his wrist? Is his memory on the fritz again? What if he falls in a lake, and the names wipe off? All the Red Skull has to do to thwart his plans is sneak into his room while he’s sleeping and cross off his name.

so you mean its like we paid 9.99 for the last 2 years (7.99 to netflix and $2 to NSF) and now we’ll pay 7.99 for the next 2 years? the $48 savings is misguided its simply reallocating money from the next 2 years to the prior 2 years

This is just silly. If you set aside $2 a month for two years, then you were effectively paying the full rate. So now, at last, you get the two year discount that you should’ve taken two years ago.

I think this worked really well for Winn, actually.

Well technically if 99.999% of people used random alphanumeric characters, these would still be the most popular passwords, because the odds of 2 people having the same random garbled mess off a password are very low. So nope, it doesn’t actually mean that people are not getting wiser, but that some people are and

She wasn’t trying to get a confession. She was trying to get him to show his powers, which would prove that mind control powers existed, which would prove that Hope wasn’t acting under her own control.

I wouldn’t even call it a copy. Heavy on the hommages and parralel, yes. But a copy for me is something like Eragon. That was a remake of A New Hope. TFA takes a lot of thesame elements, but doesn’t use them the same way, and dpesn’t put the focus on the same thing. And the characters arc are completly different -

Now playing

“In what way exactly did she advance the plot of the story? She was the leader of the ATCU, an organization that pretty much has no bearing on the story past this episode. Whose sole purpose for existing was to be exposed as yet another Hydra front, which is collecting inhumans to be part of Hydra.”

FWoPP’RS was for infection in general, not zombieism.

Everytime I saw articles about the cop who staged his suicide to look like he had been attacked...I couldn’t help but think he looked like the new way they were drawing Jim Gordon.

Yeah exactly. I mean, I don’t want to be rude, but can we please have someone write these recaps that actually knows what to expect with this show? Because both weeks it’s been the same: the writer dissing the show and acting like it’s terrible, then all the actual fans and viewers commenting and saying “What? I liked