
I just don’t think it’s gonna get you anything, efficiency wise, in a captive farming type of situation. Your population each generation is limited by the physical size of the tanks and the food supply. Irrespective of whether they are reproducing sexually or asexually, each generation is going to have no problem

Earth worms are not asexual reproducers, they are hermaphrodites. Each worm produces both male and female gametes, but it still takes two worms to mate. Each worm fertilizes the other worm’s eggs.

It seems you are right about Maxwell Lord and Lucy Lane — I can’t find any wiki references to what became of them after the events at the end of season one. I feel like they were hand waved away with a line of dialog somewhere, but my mind probably just invented that.

My memory might be foggy on this, but I’m pretty sure Lord went to prison and Lucy Lane moved back to D.C for a government job after breaking up with Olsen. I could be misrepresenting those details, but some explanation of where they went when they were written of the show WAS given.

The image he was looking at predominantly showed Tobias, with his face even outlined in a red box. I didn’t even notice if his henchwoman was in it. So I’m pretty sure that was about the taylor not wanting BL to know about Tobias Whale for some reason.

What happened to Lyra, anyway? Did she and Wynn end things and it just never got mentioned, or are they still a thing and it just never gets mentioned?

But Lillian hacked it, you see! All she had to do was program the car’s onboard computer to detonate the brick of C4 that has been mandatory standard equipment for all passenger vehicles manufactured after 1999, since the passage of the Universal Self Destruct Availability Act.

I don’t think that in context Harry ever meant to imply that there were literally 53 versions of everybody. He was annoyedly cutting short a stupid “wait there’s another Kara?” conversation by reminding everyone that nobody should be surprised or confused by the existence of doppelgangers at this point.

I don’t know how you managed to make it come across so clearly in writing, but I absolutely heard this in a lilting and slightly slurred Irish accent. I kind of want to steal your breakfast cereal.

Personally, I was really hoping for “Jurassic World: The Lost Park”.

Um, he actually COULD do exactly that without the people of Central City seeing a thing. He’s the Flash, after all.

Yeah, the echo stores alarms local to the device, so if you lose connectivity, the alarm should still work. Now, if you’ve told it to wake you up to music, it is very possible that the alarm may “fire” but fail to make any noise if it is unable to stream from whichever music service you use... I haven’t tested or read

Well, mostly the numbers you hear about lost sales are inflated for the reasons you state. But it certainly is possible to get realistic estimates, using statistical analysis.

Also fifth paragraph:

Thanks for the update. . . I watch the rest of the Arrowverse but not Arrow itself, except for the crossovers.

Barry is the owner (via inheritance from the fake Harrison Wells of Earth-1, Eobard Thawn) of Star Labs and all of its intellectual property. Cisco and Caitlin are employees of Star Labs.

I’m not going to put on a headset to watch movies with my kid. And I’d rather not put one for single player games.

I will raise my hand in mourning. I’m sad that the Kinect is dead. Not because of the motion controls or any of that, though. I loved it just for the voice controls.

So “fuck them, I’ll be fine”? Are you sure you’re not a Republican?

Contrary to popular view, the red states are not composed solely of Republican voters. You’re “let them secede” plan would condemn all of the left leaning minority citizens in those states to living under a new Nazi regime.