I don’t know how you managed to make it come across so clearly in writing, but I absolutely heard this in a lilting and slightly slurred Irish accent. I kind of want to steal your breakfast cereal.
I don’t know how you managed to make it come across so clearly in writing, but I absolutely heard this in a lilting and slightly slurred Irish accent. I kind of want to steal your breakfast cereal.
Um, he actually COULD do exactly that without the people of Central City seeing a thing. He’s the Flash, after all.
Yeah, the echo stores alarms local to the device, so if you lose connectivity, the alarm should still work. Now, if you’ve told it to wake you up to music, it is very possible that the alarm may “fire” but fail to make any noise if it is unable to stream from whichever music service you use... I haven’t tested or read…
Thanks for the update. . . I watch the rest of the Arrowverse but not Arrow itself, except for the crossovers.
Barry is the owner (via inheritance from the fake Harrison Wells of Earth-1, Eobard Thawn) of Star Labs and all of its intellectual property. Cisco and Caitlin are employees of Star Labs.
So “fuck them, I’ll be fine”? Are you sure you’re not a Republican?
Contrary to popular view, the red states are not composed solely of Republican voters. You’re “let them secede” plan would condemn all of the left leaning minority citizens in those states to living under a new Nazi regime.
This film seems to share The Force Awakens’s penchant for odd physical logic: Why are laser beams arcing in space, as if to mimic artillery affected by gravity? That plus the intro bomber sequence (during which the bombers, when damaged, start to “descend” as if losing altitude... which is nonsensical as presented) is…
2 Ready 2 Player
Until Eugene took it out, and then charged it.
Why they didn’t inform his wife beforehand is a mystery.
He pulled a copy off Starlord’s Zune last time the Guardians came to one of his fabulous parties.
Katy, is that you?
Probably. There is an iOS version for sure. I bought it for the sheer catharsis of being able to finally beat it, unhindered by the need for quarters.
So lemme get this straight, Morgan just ninjas up on one of the Saviors and spikes his wooden staff right through the guy like he’s some decayed walker already? w/o a pointed edge to the staff/stick?
I’m with you on that ship, but I don’t want to see it play out. I want the series to end on them getting together, on a hopeful note, without having to watch the result.
I’ve been waiting for them to end since the beginning. Mr. Peanut Butter is just as incapable of genuine human (or anthropomorphic animal) connection as Bojack is. He can’t meaningfully love anyone, because he loves goddamned everything.
I always do mage characters, and I’ve never found it to be problematic...
I think the sudden loud interest in the sauce is silly — but for the record I knew about the sauce before the episode, and had actually just been thinking about it in passing a few days before that episode dropped, so having it suddenly focused on by the show was sort of surreal.
I guess I have an excuse to upgrade to an LTE smartwatch now...