
I would like to see just two tweaks:

I actually wish I could fully disable team chat in quick play. Once in a long while there is decent human being who calls out useful info or coordinates the team. But usually there are just annoying assholes week don’t even know or care that there mic is live, and I have to listen to them whistling, fighting with a

Well that's a given.

I’ve often thought it would be great if the game could highlight the boneheaded screw up of the game instead. Like all the times I've just walked off a ledge while looking in a direction other than the one I was moving in.

Happens to all of us. :) For an embarrassing number of years I thought “nadir” was a synonym for “zenith” instead of its opposite. And I had a friend who for years talked about all the things he had a “fetish” for, without realizing the sexual connotations.

I hate to be a grammar and word choice Nazi, but. . . You should look up “dearth.”

I can’t believe you missed the opportunity to call this an”eggsploit.” So disappointed.

Me too. I once managed to keep a defender in a gym for just a little over 24 hours, and I was pissed that I didn’t get shot for it. Didn’t know I had to manually collect it and could do so right after taking the gym.

I agree with this so strongly, particularly with the turrets needing a much shorter cooldown. They were already low damage unless clustered up, and can be destroyed just by little more than a dirty look. Once destroyed, they become virtually useless if you try to put them in the same places, since the enemy expects

Agreed. My strongest Pokemon so far are only in the 500 - 600 CP range, after evolving and powering up with all the candy and stardust that I can muster up by catching the garbage rattatas, pidgeys, and weedles around me.

What is the process? I haven’t figured it out, and I’ve been looking. Not so much for toxicity, but for idiots who leave their mic and make me listen to their dog barking and them yelling at their dog for barking, all while never saying anything meant for the game chat.

Take it easy on the bad Reinharts! Probably someone like me who isn’t good with him, but switches to him anyway when the team clearly needs a Reinhart but nobody else is willing to switch characters.

Pretty sure MadDemon was just referring to D.Va’s line when she uses it. You know. . . “Nerf THIS!”

Yeah, I used to get multi kills with her ult—now I get them with her pistol when they destroy my mech and foolishly think the fight is over. ;)

I play D.Va quite a bit, especially if nobody else takes a tank (I know she’s the least tanky of the tanks, but I’m decent with her and rubbish with the others, which matters) and I’m excited for the quicker explosion without self damage, and for the toggling defense matrix.

Competitive play is a godsend! Not that I’ve tried it, of course, as an old and a father to a toddler I ain’t got time for that shit. But my effective skill level in quick play has suddenly gone through the roof now that the good players have left it to us filthy casuals!

This news makes my day. Skyrim remains my favorite game of my adult life. I played almost nothing else during the year and a half I took to leisurely consume all of its content. To this day, I get nostalgic for my “life” there, but as a console player there has been nothing new for me to do in Skyrim for a long time.

I think you are wrong. That is one of the tenets of trademark law, not copyright. If you fail to aggressively shut down unauthorized use of your trademark, you can lose the trademark.

Seriously? She thought 2012 was before blogging was a thing? The way I remember it, blogging was a mid-aughts thing that was largely OVER by 2010. (By which I mean, that phase where every individual had a blog or three. Obviously there are still blogs, but now they have multiple staff writers and are run by media

Honey, if you met him 26 years ago and he’s still not your husband, it ain’t gonna happen. ;)