
I thought it was interesting how it implied everyone believes the Jedi were just legends. I would have thought Luke would have tried to train a new generation of Jedi.

There’s still a bit of a learning curve for when you pick up an individual hero for the first time. Give me a match or two to get a handle on the abilities and traits before I have to gauge how each Talent might interact with them.

“Help, I’ve Fallen and I Can’t Get Up”

It would be wiser for them to keep the art style more or less what it already is, and direct their resources towards polishing potential new features like open world mechanics or real time battling systems.

Reminds me of the way Pokemon handles it.

What an awfully cynical view of the community you have, expecting them to so eagerly turn on one another for the smell of profit.

I hope you'll forgive my prior bluntness and any unintentional antagonism on my part then. I have a tendency to write as concisely as possible, and Kinja mobile magnifies that.

If you're not bothered by the sight of kids killing, I don't know what to tell ya. That in itself is a disturbing case of de-sensitization.

So the sight of virtual kids killing desensitizes us to virtual kids killing?

I was thinking about my nose's presence in my field of vision right before I saw this article, and now I can't stop!


Wall-E worked because the movie as a whole was mostly nonverbal. Taking a silent protagonist in a film, and dropping them into a large group of speaking characters is just awkward.

I actually wouldn't mind a live-action show, it could have serious potential.

It once gave me a wizard who doesn't believe in magic, ever.

7.8 out of 10 Too Much Water

So glad I went with an elf for my first run. Made the third act seem so much more personal and primed me on all the ancient elven lore.

Concluding for the semester at any rate.

Not having to insert disc two, access to some of the powers exclusive to ME3 multiplayer

In my eyes, the only true member of the video game community here is the victim. You help create a monumentally successful and beloved franchise within gaming? You're cool.

Has GG actually provided anything constructive on the journalism side? I've heard many claims as to what it's actually about, but I haven't actually seen them accomplish anything. All I've heard is doxx this and death threat that.