Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.
Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.
Note to the guards: Suicide watch does not mean, “watch someone commit suicide.”
I got my wisdom tooth pulled yesterday so I’m just kicking back with a percocet and review bombing businesses owned by white nationalists who thought they were safe.
This episode of black mirror sucks
In case the article and the above comments didn’t spell it out for you: There’s a difference between games that have rape in them and a game that’s ABOUT raping people. This one was the latter. It’s their platform, they can remove it, and certainly this has no more reason to be owed a platform than that school…
“What do you call it?”
In slow mo even
Clearly a false flag operation to distract from their involvement in the child sex slave pizzeria that is sending them over to Benghazi to mine uranium.
Thoughts and Prayers
So then there’s the possiblity that this weapon could result in players becoming entrenched in positions for extended periods of time with neither side able to cross a dangerous no-mans-land?
Republican in the front, skinhead in the back.
The line for the drinking fountain is almost twice as long as it used to be?
Totally unrelated, but as a professional in the world of video games, can you recommend one about being a billionaire I might want to purchase used from GameStop?
I was in a campaign for evil NPCs. My character was an undead monk - specifically, a mummy. He was skeletally skin figure in tattered saffron robes, the flesh on his fingers worn away to reveal bone talons, his teeth filled to points and stained red.
I just started my first ever campaign last night, so I only have one character so far, but he’s already pretty legendary. He’s a mischievous dark elf rogue jester named Misunderstood Bastard (the name came from the Wu-Tang name generator) and only a couple of hours into his first adventure he’s already captured a…
When Saturnina Alers was being honest with herself she’d begrudgingly admit she didn’t particularly like Jacqui…
I'm just going to leave this here: