
When I pitched this yesterday, Kate told me it didn't sound so bad so I was going to ship one of these envelopes to her. Emma forbade it because the people who clean shouldn't have to deal with it. She also refused to give me Kate's home address, so I'm having a meeting with HR next week about hostile working

"...can't shake the thought of Paul Rudd in his comedic movie(s)..."

Caution must be exercised when shaking hands with this man, lest your unworthy bones be reduced to powder.

Protect the intricate engraving with a receiver case!

What will you do when your house catches on fire, or someone breaks into your house and steals your Drobo? (it happened to me).

Pettis haters, start your engines.

Funny when I went on an exchange to Japan I found it interesting that in high school there everyone was involved in the cleaning of their own building and everyone was in a sport or club as part of school.

A agree wholeheartedly to the condensation of your idea: empathy should be taught.

As for how, my personal belief is that everyone should work in a field that most closely relates to their passion. For me, it was as a customer service rep for a gaming company for a year. When everyone you are servicing acts like a

THANK YOU. I actually worked as a custodian for my highschool for a summer, and I picked that because it was a high-paying job. Which may surprise some people. The kind of work I could get at seventeen? It was either McDonald's for $5/hr, or custodial for $9/hr. That ain't much to keep a family on for sure, but for a

I agree with that Janitor point I am 21, and working that now for the last 2 months, it is not pretty. I cant wait to leave it and move on to something respectable.

I think it should be mandatory that before you graduate college that you should have to do three jobs first:

HA! Been doing this for years, and I have had stuff REMOVED from my performance review.

Stephen King Presents "How It's Made"

In my experience, discussing salaries will just cause resentment, low morale and a terrible working environment.

16-bit glasses. 8-bit couldn't do transparency. ;)

I am happy for him, and all who surround him during this great moment in his life, to share in it. It won't ever be replaced. But it may be joined with another moment some day when there is no need for a media event to bring sexuality into a drafting for it to be a media event worthy of airtime. His merits alone as a

Once they whip out the "push-pop" diagram., it's over for nay-sayers.

Where "machine" ends and "robot" begins, I don't know, but, I am fairly sure I already have.

This is so ridiculous. What about all the insects that die in it, or the birds that eliminate and die in it. Honestly, the liquids from one person get so diluted in such a huge reservoir that the net effect of contamination is effectively zero. People be crazy, yo.