
Try that in a city with poor public transportation infrastructure!:D

Only comment here is that, even when zipped, you 'll have a multi-gigabyte file. These can be painful to up/down loaded to on-line storage.

I just wanted you to know that I set loose a bucket of spiders to take care of the earwigs. Of course, I then had a spider problem.

Another vote for DE, safe and effective, I bought it on Amazon.

Or.....put a 50 cent carabiner on the wrist loop of your current leash. Same effect. Has worked for me for years....

I won't pay an annual fee for any online service, except lastpass.

Price is not an issue for the average Mac user.

Oh, and by the way it is not free. I am a paying customer for the storage space that I am using to keep my pictures. Picassa was a free program that allowed me to catalogue my pictures.

It is not the same service.
I can tag pictures in Picassa any way I please. And other people can tag pictures of me any way they please. But when I get redirected to G+ all of that is overruled and real identities are used instead. This might not be what I want or what those people want.
If you investigated G+ many

Warning: There is some salty language in this image. Viewer discretion is advised.

You should have ordered it a different way. Maybe the employee was right and you were the stupid one. Oh ahead and backlash wish a smart comment, amuse me like you did to that poor cashier. Im sure he knew his job or he wouldnt be there enough to feel comfterble to mess with you.