
I love trying to eat something that is also trying to squirt me back! It’s like eating something alive and fighting to live.

Ha! Oh I am so using this whenever I ask for something reasonable and prudent, and I get shot down with these reasons.

Or, cut off the black part and eat the rest of of it. Cabbage is cheap.

WELL THERE GOES MY WEEKEND! THANKS LIFEHACKER! I feel as if someone did hack and steal my life now, with all this handy-ness that I am learning with my eyeballs.

What is under the hump in the middle? The drivetrain or something? Could you ‘fix’ the interior so it could actually haul 4 50th percentile human beings?

Yeah, we used a quarter here in the USA—which everyone has nearby in some fashion. It supposedly keeps down on the theft of the carts and leaving them in the parking lot to smash into cars...

All I want at work is a ticket system for tracking issues that IT has to deal with. I have been asking for 2 years at this point.

I bought spares of all the filters in my vac, and now I just swap them all out and wash and let them dry over the next month and do it all over again.

I dunno... Maybe just start making less soup so there is less left overs.

Yes. Testing your own network, to see if anyone can easily break in.

I 'cheat' and I put the eggs into plastic wrap when I poach them, since I can never get them to look anything like these here.

I want more car dealerships owned by guys who can actually work on the cars.

HA... Germaphobes make me giggle.


Ron White: If I could offer one piece of advice to the planet, it would be this: Don't marry for looks alone, and I'll tell you why. In a few years, when Barbara's boobs start sagging, she can get plastic surgery, have them lifted, move the nipple wherever. You can actually go to a titty bar, pick out a set of titties

Yeah, I'm going to go ahead and say that not being groped by TSA agents, waiting around in the actual airport for hours before you fly, running out of batteries on your portable electronics, being charged way too much for simple stuff, having to pour out water before you get through the checkpoints to only have to buy

So lets say I wanted to import a diesel Smart ForTwo from Canada?

Yeah, you have to be in Government for that to be true!

I have a pad of Super Sticky Post-IT notes and a space pen in my car. Someone does something douchey, I leave a note. Yeah, it is passive aggressive... But you just know that makes them even more steamed.