Neutral: VW is just dying to build a car without a CEL, so I'd say they're properly motivated.
Doug’s gonna inherit a new retirement condo in Florida every time his girlfriend bites it. And with that demographic, he’ll be rolling in condos
Today Show? We are SO IN with the 64-72 Year Old Female demographic, it's not even funny. Doug, I hope you're not in any serious relationships, because the floodgates are about to open.
i’m jealous he has a workshop big enough to lay components out on a single place. the last time i took apart a snow blower, i was using it’s air cleaner box to hold the bolts, which was balanced on top of the thrower blade, which was on top of the repair manual..
Still Waiting for
Over there they use RiPo batteries tho
LAPD charged with battery.
Only if you find yourself watching that gif for more than 4 hours.
For fuck’s sake. Since Sunday these stupid memes have been reposted NON-STOP on the car enthusiast FB groups I’m in. So much so that I unfollowed them all. Then some of my stupid friends started posting them, so I unfollowed them. ET TU, JALOPNIK?! ET TU?!
And a railway would be harder to destroy than a port, how?