
The ship, an inflatable landing boat, was sunk by a walrus

It does look better than the Chrysler version. And David Tracy should be lusting after one because you can’t spell Stratus without the letters R, U, S, T.

Maybe they’ll reuse the name on an SUV/CUV and call it the Voltswagon.

That headline is going to be the title of your memoir isn’t it?

This is a huge deal for Jordan Racing. Losing those points totally burns their chances of taking home any reasonable prize money in 2018. prize money that would be crucial to their survival as a team. What bullshit. Midland just got pulled from the lake only to be left out in the cold to freeze to death. Spyker is in

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Sounds like a DRSS Tesla Coil. Although mine have far better modulation.

Negan does Dyson teardown.

Meanwhile, in the year 2052...

In the picture, it looks like a 1937 Cadillac V-16 Imperial. Light grey, of course.

Not that the camera is making it easy (seriously, why do all these cameras suck) but my gut is saying Kia Optima.

  • if you simply must drive during this celestial event, you can safely look at the eclipse through a moonroof, but not a sunroof.

Each game he played in would be 15 hours long if you halted the game every time he got heckled...

Alternate headline: “Viral Meme Created by Oppositelock Author Becomes Mural at F1 Race”

Cool, dude, now please re-read my goddamn response. The point I’m making is that the e-pedal removes the HABIT of using a brake pedal to stop the car—which would likely make the INSTINCTIVE REACTION of pressing a brake pedal in an emergency much more difficult.

I went and pulled up the full list for the 2015 4C:

Exclusive photo of Alfa engineers preparing to draft the next TSB.

The only way those cars make financial sense is to make a Youtube channel about trying to fix them. But when Amazon bankrupts Dollar Shave Club, the Youtube economy will collapse.

Yeah, but throw in a wife, two kids, a dog, and about 80 pounds of cookie crumbs, and you’re probably not going to hit those optimal times.