
So you can apparently see better when you’re backing up than when you’re moving forwards.

I suspect it has something to do with figuring out which button to push in the middle of a tight turn with the wheel rotated 180 degrees.

Ah, but almost all of them do use regen braking. Most of them don’t have real brakes, other than the tire scrubbing type. Read on Elektrec.com. Dual motor, dual regen.

Their poll is 114% legit

Yes, next week.

You’ve gotta be kidding about the chassis. Any car that has the engine crossmember rust from it’s own A/C condensation drips on said crossmember is CP in my book.

I have the same drone, in red.

Umm, in a round-about way, maybe. However, I wouldn’t mess with the batteries either, if I were you.

Those canopies, though beautiful, would not work for F1. They’re not built for taking a direct hit from a small/medium/large object such as the spring that hit Massa a while back, or a tire, or the underside of a bulldozer, for that matter.

I’m guessing you’ve mentally gone through the most usual mechanical noise culprits, so I won’t guess any of those.

#BMWLIFE, on both gifs. AMIRITE?

Because of special warming, duh.

‘A bit batty’, you say

This is a conspiracy... Cui Bono?

Is that a security camera mounted at the nose, right below the star? At least it seems like it’s wired.

I can’t remember. It’s the first thing that broke in my Saab 9-3. I do remember a big spill due to its flimsiness though.

For me, I’ve always seen Roland as a younger Anthony Hopkins. As much as I like Idris Elba, this choice is crap.

So many gray cars in that photo, I thought it was a GM company picture and all the cars were the same.


Don’t forget to dress the shadow appropriately, too.