
Stop it so hard the rust all falls off.

Wet blanket alert! Unfortunately I’m right there with you.

This is better investigative journalism than poor ol’ Doug could ever dream of! #butforrealloveyouDoug

It looks like this.

Why? Because he called BS on American media and government, which time and time again lie on purpose. Puhleze. What do you know about South Ossetia? Nuff said.

Russia is trying to return the region to the status quo, instead of toppling a dictator. Because that second option worked so well for the U.S. in Iraq.

So now the fraudulent fifth column running foreign policy while abusing our military is upset that Russia is bombing our terrorist army? Are we living in the Twilight Zone or something?

“Hi, I’m Andrew Collins, and I have DirecTV.”

Thats not exclusive, my 01 Cherokee has it as well.

chaps chaps chaps chaps

cause a dick is no good without a leg to stand on

“if you dickheads have time to ride, it’s time to drop the throttle and pick up a shovel.”

“Young children love rules “

I have found proof that VW diesels are not melting the ice caps

Sounds like GM’s org chart needs to go to prison.

The difference being that the UK did, eventually, pretty much finish,

Of course the US uses the metric system.
