
No encouragement needed as I’ve done all those. Looking at the history of WWI, I seem to recall that the Ottomans, the Islamic center of the world of the time, were allied with the British. Most of the Islamic world was allied with the Allies during WWII, so I don’t know what you’re talking about.

What kind of ignorant babble is that? I can’t speak toward what the owner of that truck was thinking when putting the swastika on the roof, but I can tell you first hand that the ‘Muslim faith’ (there is no such thing, btw) generalization is pure BS. True, there are muslims who are not very jew friendly, but that

Great article, as usual.

And a railway would be harder to destroy than a port, how?

Should I worry about the map location of the car?

Disclaimer: I haven’t read Clarkson’s article.

For some reason I dislike this uplifted kink on the front windows on the Chrysler products

Simple. You buy a tRain ticket.

Wait a second. I thought this was a stick shift for a sec.

pantry door on a fridge

How wide was this car to have a middle console and seat separation this big?

Now, how do I explain to my wife why I’m laughing in bed so hard?

Fiesta XR2. I’m partly biased since my first car was one identical to this, fog lights and all:

+1 for mineral oil. Just wanted to mention to skip the part about putting the clothes in the dryer, if you do that.

Next article suggestion: How to Get Rid of That Engine Oil Stench in the Dryer

Is this Bugatti’s underwear flapping in the wind?

There goes Lightning McQueen again, tearing up roads...

Updated USS Reagan. Now with it’s own personal cloud.

I like the flying buttresses in that robot.

F150 Rear Dif FTW