
I’m really very sorry for the situation you are in. It can be tought, finding a situation that works. Good luck.

Rehome the cat. She will be better off in a house without dogs like that, less stress on the dogs, and less stress on you.

I do! :D

I demand that everybody stop having children altogether. Children are gross.


I could, but I don’t want to.

I spent 30 years of my life in Waco. Baylor rules that town with an iron fist.

Honey, you’re better off taking medical advice from me, a space lobster, than from Dr. Oz.

Jesus Fucking Christ, what fresh hell is this?

I am shocked, I tell you! Shocked!!

My god.

Old bologna slices.

I’m two years older than him, overweight, and a woman to boot, and I still look better than ol’ punchable Ted there.

You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villany.

In Wyoming, we call that a ‘Tuesday’.

Holy shit.

Why not Zoidberg Time?

This company has an understanding of basic female physiology that approaches ‘Republican politican’ level.
