
Let me officially represent my fellow white people and say that the name "Washington Whiteskins" is not offensive to us at all. So, now that we officially have that in the books, how about we stop with the pointless crybaby articles about a football team that has 80 years of tradition to it.

You know who people make

This... (sob)... This is what happens when I use my fun??? People get hurt???

No... no, never again! I shall forever more endeavor to be a discarded bit of wood stuck in a mixture of equal parts soil and water...



If only I could believe in such portents to the future. No... the dark God FOX has spurned this series and prevented it from taking root. The Fairy God Disney has seduced the Chosen One Whedon with the forbidden fruit of the Marvel Universe.

We can only hope that the Gods show kindness on us and present us with

Tell you what... I'll split the difference.

I'll no longer hide my fun in my mattress (wink) and instead invest it in a 40FunK. This way I'll have fun for my retirement and it will help comedians just starting out (I think the exchange is 2 Fun -> 1 Funny...)


My "Fun Quota" would neither prevent my statement from being true or influence me into making a statement of another nature.

Though I am saving up my points for a "mass expletive" bomb as soon as I see a story concerning rabbits. It's important to save for the future!

Caps lock as nothing to do with validation of arguments, but is used to stress ones expression in a medium that can lack the context of facial or vocal indicators. So long as the entire comment is not written in it, it is a valid and useful indicator of emotional standing.


Not get a rise, explain to you why you have no idea what you're talking about. I've already told you that it is too easy to get a rise out of you and your ilk, and that I simply want you to behave like adults.

It's really not a difficult concept, so your continued lack of comprehension is more amusing and fascinating

I'm actually surprised at how many people really enjoyed this game!

I was not a fan of the cartoony artwork (I loved Majora's Mask and Ocarina, and was hoping they were going to go that route on the gamecube) and I hated the huge ocean where nothing seemed to happen.

It's all opinion, I know, but I still dream of the

Nope. I only meant that you were a submarine.

I do have to offer an apology to though. I was thinking that you were an ignorant crybaby and it appears that you just lack the mental fortitude to grasp even simple things. You are, in fact, worse than all those who were all sobby on the comic.

Sub-sub-human... You may

That may be true, but you were represented in parliament.

Our grievance was that we were being taxed without proper representation, which is why we rebelled. We're still pretty close though, considering we've fought you as many times as we've fought the Germies.

Has anybody gone to the G4 website lately? It's still posting stories... but about food. It's just this one guy posting about food all the time. It's kind of disturbing to see a once vaunted hang-out of videogames reduced to that...

Now when is Jason Schreier going to tell me what to make for dinner tonight?!?!?

In this case, I used "overly sensitive" to mean "small submarine capable of space travel whilst juggling salmon" which I feel is also pretty apparent in the context of my message. If you would care to use the "so-called" dictionary definition so that you can understand it, you're certainly welcome to. If you are a

I don't believe that I ever said anything about PA fans at all. I've posted a lot, so I'll have to go back and double check, but I believe that all of my arguments (except the ones to you) were concerning Mike from PA specifically.

I agree with you that crazy begetting crazy is not okay. All I want is for people to

Who are you to judge what a "jackass" is? You're just overly sensitive.

See? See how what you said has no valid point to it?

When they're caving into pressures because of a bunch of oversensitive lunatics who lack an understanding of the issues presented, yeah, I would say it's an instance of Mike caving in.

Given that I suspect you've had plenty of time to research what happened and clearly have not, I assume that you're just another person

Right, those people went too far... but you're crazy to think that PA fans reacted in that manner to a few simple "I'm offended" comments.

The "Off" crowd started with the crazy, and were responded with crazy. You cannot really be surprised by that, can you?

Wow... language! I'm offended, and shall start a mob of people to attack and discredit you...