
Oooh good point, I forgot about that one! I particularly appreciated how that was the result of the Founders figuring the Vorta wouldn’t need those things in their designated role. They could have given them Better At Everything genetic enhancements, but nah, that might give them... ideas.

Okay, yeah... but as species weaknesses go, that seems to be the equivalent of somebody in a job interview saying that their greatest flaw is that “I just work too hard for my own good.”

You know, the more I think about it, it’s refreshing to see an a major character being a member of an alien species that isn’t blatantly superior to humans in every way.

Granted it doesn’t say so one way or another here, but I took it to mean that the predator species are intelligent (or at least one of them is) and were probably the ones who invented warp drive. Saru either managed to steal one of their ships or hitch a ride with a sympathetic outsider.

You know, the first lesson I ever learned about the internet back in the mid-90s was “Trek fans hate any Trek that hasn’t been off the air for at least a decade.” It was a sobering lesson that robbed me of way too much joy over the years.

I actually thought that wasn’t a prison cell so much as a kind of hospital/quarantine/hospice room.

She really was one of the best parts of that show. She took a role that could have easily been a boring love interest cliche and ended up delivering some of the show’s funniest moments.

I’ve read the same thing, fascinating stuff! Though if you think about it, that’s not too different from the rationale given here for the nipples on the Batsuit. Both were trying to evoke deep cultural associations with strength and physical perfection.

And do you put nipples on Batgirl’s suit?

While I recognized - even at the time, as akid - that the nipples were a ridiculous choice, I want every hardcore comic nerd to ask themselves the following question with all honesty and sincerity:

Maybe it’s just because I started reading comic books when Eric Masterson was Thor, but I’m baffled why I see so many people claim that nobody else was ever took his name. He held onto it for awhile, too.

“It just so happens that your democracy here is only MOSTLY dead. There’s a big difference between mostly dead and all dead. Mostly dead is slightly alive. With all dead, well, with all dead there’s usually only one thing you can do.”

Good god, my dream for years now has been for a remastered B5 with the effects completely redone. It wouldn’t even need absolutely-up-to-date software - give it the quality level of the remade Galactica and I’d be thrilled.

Glad to see that SyFy is doing a better job of promoting the show this season. I hadn’t even heard of The Expanse before its first season was finished, despite having wanted a space drama so badly ever since Galactica wrapped up. Now I’m in and invested and I really can’t handle seeing yet another promising show not

So at what point did Raddus join the Rebellion? Turns out it came from an exchange he had with Emperor Palpatine at a cocktail party where the Mon Cal had gotten particularly wasted:

While I agree that they shouldn’t go full on Game of Thrones with the sexuality, let’s not try and pretend that Enterprise was the only Trek series to play up the titillation angle. We’re talking about a franchise that in its very first ever episode filmed had a half-naked dancing Orion slave girl as its key marketing

My lady friend and I now always refer to her as Hermione Clinton. Both because of the reasons you mentioned, but also because she’s the one who actually saved the day time and time again yet almost never got any credit for it.

Honestly? It’s more that international audiences want to see shit blow up good.

I actually did get to see it in the theatre when I was 8.