
Ahem. You were supposed to say, “They’re not sending their best.”

This isn’t a lesser of two evils thing. You have one candidate, who is flawed but also capable of conducting themselves like a grown human being, knows SOMETHING about the bill of rights/constitution/how government works, and knows what’s happening in the world. In the other corner we have a flawed businessman who

Once again we find ourselves in a situation where we know more about a person we should know nothing about. Damn those Kardashians.

The only people I’ve met that have locks and smell? Yeah. White.

Unless his long-term girlfriend was named Frank and has a penis, I just can’t comprehend this.

Seriously, if he order it for 10 fuckin years it just might be quality.

Basically, he walked into a store and said, “I want all the things that scream, ‘Asshole’. Yes, ALL the things.“

Came with my Amazon Prime membership.

That or, “Please stop askin me about that piece of shit.”

I caught the brunch. All we got was a bagel and a punch in the mouth. Worth it.

Even something like “The Best Jethro” strikes me as more serious. I’m just waiting to find out the KKK actually started out as LARPing, but was corrupted after they were caught and had to lie about what they were doing. They kept the “wizard” to remind them of a more peaceful time.

The artist who cried, “Art!”

When a Venn diagram becomes a circle.

She already DID something with it. Notice how shiny it is?

Everyone knows that halftime is when you click away. Plus the not getting paid.

Counterpoint: What an idiot.

I always felt the quintessential electronic music movie was “Groove”

Have you seen his super awesome forehead tattoo? It’s totes edgy.

Surely you’ve brought up this issue to them. What’s their reasoning?