
Comment disqualified for the use of "poppycock." Please use "mommycunt" from this point forward. So endeth the lesson. Also, stop trolling my brain by using "Intellectually" you horrible horrible bastardnesslyer.

If there was any truth to this at all you wouldn't be finding Google apps on the MASSIVE amount of users with iOS devices. Once Microsoft gains a market share that breaks the 10% mark they might start to think it's worth it.

But they are indeed undone. They need to be cooked a bit longer.

this feels like it belongs on jizz-a-belle.

kickstarter. now.

First you need to show your aptitude for misleading titles, misspelling, wrong or forgotten words, and a clear disdain for research and proofreading. Step 3. Profit!

I'm about to drink a glass of water. I bet a billion people might do the same thing, in waves But still!

If you're going to be inaccurate could you at least do it in a fun way? "This Spectacular Spinny Wind and Water Thinger Will Shrink Your Gonads"

Eric Limer, you have no integrity.

Makes me wonder what two minutes of proofreading can get.

What I got from this is Live Tiles have lag. Also, Norwegians are cool with that.

Haha yeah it's been lively. I like the ones that tell me to learn to read, but they don't read my replies to comments already made. It's pretty awesome.

Tara, can you not read any of the other comments or the replies to them?

Yeah, earlier it wasn't included in the specs which had me wondering if it was lazy reporting (posting before the info was ready) or a dot that did something completely different. As this is Gizmodo I should've assumed the former.

Yup, I had to read it again because they just added it. Before it stated only a rear camera.

When it was first posted that was not included. It only said a rear camera was present.

Yeah they just added that. Looks like they've added a bunch of other stuff as well.

Yup, they must have just added it.

They didn't have it in there earlier. They just changed it.

Seriously, no front facing cam? Is the Nexus 10 boycotting hangouts? And 32GB with no expandable storage is not something I can justify paying $500 for. I've got lots of movies. I want to watch them anywhere regardless of internet connection. The OTG option is always there, but i don't like to root or have an extra