
Allow me to respectfully suggest that you are doing yourself a great disservice then.

Oh no you didn't. You didn't just call The Dread Pirate Roberts god damn 'Zorro'.

I used to work in the DC/Northern VA area and commute from central MD. It was about 1.5 hours and it would go all the way up to 4+ hours because of simple things like rain. This destroyed my health (mental & physical), my car, my wallet, and my relationships.

That was actually pretty good. Like Robot Chicken (obviously) but more family-friendly and animated by the Clone Wars folks. It was just light-hearted fun.

So I guess you don't have a 2011 mac either?

They have actually been in since Rogue Trader (1st edition) and probably before as Rogue Trader was basically just the first collection of rules.

You hit the nail on the head. Apple announces products and releases them quickly with exactly the features promised to cash in while people are still frothing.

Well then he should fire back.

The best way to get this to happen is to back it. If you're a backer you get a say in these sort of decisions.

Don't forget toddler face.

Started gaming playing Adventure on an Atari 2600. Now I play Dead Space on my new iPad in my office.

Books are HD images and lossless sound streamed directly to your brain!

Having lived in MD for 28 of my 30 years I'm surprised that I haven't realized, until now, exactly how many goblin-frog-looking people live in this state.

I'm pretty sure CD Projekt mentioned that they were baffled that the version with SecuROM or whatever was the one that the pirates were using.

The initial release of Witcher 2 was Demons/Dark Souls levels of punishing. The subsequent (free and content-laden) patches/DLC have really vastly improved it. It's still hard, just not pounding-nails-into-your-dick hard.

If you buy either from GoG there's 0 DRM already. And you're giving money pretty much directly to the developers, thus rewarding their refusal of DRM.

So it's not full-blown Mass Effect? Who cares?

I would watch this.

Ever since my gf got me an appleTV for xmas I just netflix and rip my own because I'm patient. And now that the newest version of Requiem is out, I just buy the new stuff I can't wait for from the iTunes store and strip the DRM. When fairplay gets updated and Requiem stops working again, then I'll worry about pirating