
I have a lot of experience with the LA Coroner. I can say without a doubt there is no way in hell they would let the people service public service or convicts handle the deceased especially a high profile one. She is full of shit. That place is staffed to the gills. I was at that division while she was serving her

I did actually see that story. I agree completely. You know it was back alley abortions they found. One can only hope the women that went are not dying of horrible infections. Whatever the reasons for the abortions were or why a persons would run a place like that doesn't matter. What matters is that access to

I think I get your point. The demands put onto women and aggression that you face along with a health care system that is at best flawed would probably help explain this persons mental makeup. Maybe she's a result of a much larger issue. U have a good Sunday also. I too mean that : ) I would definitely want you on

I hear you. It's especially hard to discuss when people say shitty things like "I'll just rape everyone and use that as an excuse". I would almost certainly bet those comments came from a male. As a male that's totally embarrassing. It also throws people into defense mode. You do bring up good points. We both

Either way it's clear that debate isn't something that can be had. You want people to open their minds. What it appears you are doing is saying open your mind while I shout as loud as I can and if you disagree your mind is closed. Mind you this is in light of the fact that I conceded that the topics you are

I agree. You don't follow.

It's funny that when the water gets hot you resort to insults. I won't stoop to that only to say that my critical thinking is fine thank you. Your ability to miss the point only to shove your own home is staggering. This woman is not a jumping off point for the discussions you listed. All of those topics are valid

ok. Let's say for a second that this is even open for debate. Her crime if proven guilty will not be debatable especially in light of the mountain of evidence against her. As it stands now the arguments you are using to justify her actions are straw men at best. Using Heath care, antiquated gender roles and rape

any time a sentence starts with "I don't condone what this woman/man did but....." Stop. Think. Everything after the "but" is non sequitur. Let's face it. If her care for her family was that great she wouldn't have the time to construct what is a really pretty elaborate revenge. She should be locked up.

John Gault and Ayn Rand should punch eachother for a while

I was thinking the same thing. Also, that really looks like the greasiest beer poop ever.

I love chocolate. This is blasphemy. Isn't the world screwed up enough without bringing the comparison of chocolate to turds closer together?

I can't believe I watched the whole thing. I feel like I just ate a whole canned ham. So many questions. Did he say he just got released from county? For what? Where are these Men's Warehouse suits? They clearly are not being used for a fucking legal deposition. What are those lumps on his head? Was he

I thought it was the crown that weighed heavy. Turns out it's the throne

This makes me want to scoop him up and undo all this horrible shit. I'm going to go
Tell my kid I love him for the 100th time today

I don't know if this is terrible. It is definitly stupid.

In related news. Aaron Rodgers expected to be out for the first 3 weeks of the upcoming season with bad case of Athletes Mouth. John Madden to administer Tinactin

F- See me after class.

1000 pounds of lobster tail?! The game wasn't the only blow out happening that night.

1000 pounds of lobster tail?! The game wasn't the only blow out happening that night.