Snoop Dogg even employed it against her in the bizarre and generally disappointing social media feud they had going recently.
Snoop Dogg even employed it against her in the bizarre and generally disappointing social media feud they had going recently.
actually. ..isn't she mixed race?
They don't.
...Don't they own Chipotle anyway??
Gene Simmons is turning into a Donald Trump with a little more talent and worse hair.
Is this like the LARPing the kids are doing now? Looks like two nerds acting like they're fighting. I don't like it.
It's like when they say "look at what you made me do!" It's always the victim's fault.
Even if you take away the rape accusation, you're left with theft, assault, and the general assholery that one would expect of a 14-year-old dickhead. No need for any victim-blaming or rape-denying to come to that conclusion.
I'm pretty sure this happens at every University, to some extent. The issue is way bigger than Winston.
Nice to see Derek Jeter is no longer unemployed.
Andy Reid is back!
Really? #contrived
Depends on a lot of things. What they are looking for, how much staff they have, how busy they are... but yeah. Several days up to a week is not unheard of.
If she underwent an autopsy, she was likely in the morgue for several days / week after her death.
Ha thanks! That is a huge compliment. If I ever see anyone pile up on you here (though no one would, I'm sure), I'll definitely be there to save you (unless you don't want me :) )
Yes, it is absolutely a terrible thing, and we do both agree on that. Perhaps I could've stated my perspective better from the beginning, but it's hard to convey everything. Obviously I don't expect everyone to have the same perspective as me, but if I conveyed it better, maybe some would have understood where I was…
There is no debate Everyone pretty much piled up on me, against me, disregarding everything I say, even though I made incredibly valid points. I guess I didn't see where you conceded some topics I brought up need discussion— apologies.
Um, yeah, you are. Because as someone else just pointed out, you are inventing facts - that she "snapped" (despite her crime having taken place over a long period of time, not instantly), that she was "driven to this extreme" because she couldn't afford home care (a defense she never raised, and she apparently had a…