That couldn’t have helped much either.
That couldn’t have helped much either.
This is my fault, I think.
Re: your first point... RIGHT?! Do people not remember what it was like living here under George W? We protested every other day then, and the only people calling us “anti-American” were the reactionary dinguses who propped up his administration.
If my screens went away I would sleep SO WELL, you guys. So much better.
Just 5,000 copy-pastes of FUCKTOMB
In Providence? Wish I could go... have so much fun!
Yeah, those two were great, and for my money gave us the closest character to the near-nihilistic basketcase in the Fleming novels. QoS is just a blank spot in my memory, and Spectre was too close to the old Bond movies to be a worthy follow-up to Skyfall.
I got called by a colleague I was, at most, somewhat acquainted with, at 11:00PM, to come pick him up in Fell’s Point because he’d just gotten a chest tattoo of Ft. McHenry and the Maryland flag, had gotten wasted to kill the pain, and was unable to drive home.
Not in our hearts!
Choose your second, then, and I will choose mine. I will meet you on the beach at the stroke of 10, and I will have satisfaction, sir.
Truth has no place here! But yeah, Angelos and his family seem to be decent people(?) with philanthropy and pro bono work and stuff. I just blame him for the baseball woes.
In chicken, yes.
also the Maryland flag sucks
It’s not a nightmare. I work there weekends occasionally. It’s a lower-middle-class/upper-lower-class area that has a lot of things wrong with it, but honestly the people there are not that different from demographically similar people other places. However, they do have a giant sewage treatment plant that makes the…
Yeah, I thought about grading Schmuck at “ok,” but I figured he gets a handicap for his name.
It’s the Staten Island of Baltimore.
Fuck Steve Bisciotti who passed on Kaepernick because he was afraid of the mouth breathing, purple-camo-zubaz-wearing, cornhole-playing, Bay-side-of-the-Eastern-Shore-preferring sons of bitches who toss this state into a GOP governorship whenever they get bored.
Whoah there Mr. Event Horizon-scoffer... From its Wikipedia plot summary it surely deserves better treatment. (I’m too scared to watch it, what do I know?)
I agree. I don’t know what Deadspin’s numbers look like now, or historically. I don’t know how readership grows or shrinks compared to the percentage of “sports-only” content. But I can’t see them competing against ESPN or similar outlets without the things that make them distinctive and fire up their writers and…
I don’t know if the headline has since been edited, but it now reads “...Finally Publicly Apologizes...”