
I. Miss. Sumo.

Mourn ya til I join ya Truman Peyote.

Jeepers, can you imagine? The 900 stupid identity crises you go through as a teenager, and then somebody provides you a monetary incentive to stick with one? Yikes.

Pizza Dog movie or we riot


Hey man. We met at a kid’s birthday party a couple years ago and I introduced myself to you in a bid to not be a super-creeper lookie-lou, because I recognized you from pictures on the site. It was great talking to you, it’s been great reading you, and god willing I hope you get to write and I get to read you for

Jesus. Didn’t Truman warn us about the dog-death/industrial complex? This needs to be stopped before it metastasizes. 

Unless you and Burn are talking about different tweets, and maybe you are, their comment is correct. I remember at least 2 tweets from Omar that, unintentionally or not, trafficked in anti-Semitic tropes and language.

Gluttonous Australian Man: *sees name Infinite Tucker*, *passes out*

I seem to remember reading that on TWoP, but could be wrong.

For my fellow non-HBO subscribers who are just here to read spoilers:

Let's not forget their stellar performance at Mornington Crescent.

There must be a bunch of, like, historically valuable diamonds or cocaine in those watches, right?

Thanks for this as well! The phrase “anglo foolishness” has vaulted straight into my lexicon.

Yeah. A point I was making in the Caster Semenya articles is that powerlifting is super-vulnerable to outliers right now because it’s a young sport, the rules for what makes a good lift can be weird or vary between feds, and certain outlier people can just come in and basically win at-will if they put the work in.

Yeah. My memory is fuzzy, but I think that might have been part of the reason she gave for dropping out of competing.

Hey, good questions. Here are some things to think about:

1) 1st, it seems like there’s some evidence (or rather, lack of evidence) in the studies cited above that suggests that we don’t know the whole picture about how sex hormones and such affect athletic performance. The findings *seem* to be, as reported above,

Glad to see powerlifting get covered here! In the conversation here you should also talk about Janae Kroc, who did a lot (I think) to help people understand the issues and process involved in transgender participation in the sport, although I think she retired from competing during the transition process.