
That's gonna be...

Ooh - Physics FAIL on my part. Thanks for the clarification.

Lower Rolling resistance.

Hate to say it, but "Don't use Verizon"

I feel your pain, but buying subsidized just encourages all the crap we hate carriers for doing - Exorbitant ETFs, bandwidth caps, $0.05/text...

And just imagine the economic boost that a public/private partnership running broadband to rural and underserved areas would be!

Except that you can't "just root it".

Unfortunately, HTC has made it clear that they will NOT be making any handsets with vanilla Android, period.

Well, I do develop apps, so it's not like I'm talking out of my ass here, but whatever.


v1.5 - Cupcake


Zimmerman has been arrested and charged - but not yet convicted.

Fair point.

My biggest problem with eating a Ted Nugent bison burger, or his jerky, or whatever is this...

I hope the sarcasm in my comment was evident.

Don't forget that RISD also turned out the Talking Heads.

Except that nearly all Android users have the option of custom ROMs - unless yu made the mistake of giving pre-Google Motorola your money.


And yet, the ever-more-hungry shareholders disagree with you. Without year over year growth, and damn the torpedoes, investors bail on solid companies, even Google. So, yeah, if you're leveraged against your market cap, the only choices really are "expand or die". Because stupid, short-sighted, money hungry idiots