Best battery EVAR!
Best battery EVAR!
Too true. New layout seems to not allow freinding or following either...I haz a sad.
If you're over it I'll gladly take it off your hands.
Yeah, because you can totally just suss out what the torque requirements are for a threadless headset bolt on a carbon fiber fork and titanium frame.
So whipped creme chargers are full of Nitrous Oxide, commonly known as Laughing Gas. So called because it produces a dissociative effect when inhaled. Additionally, there are sensory perception changes that accompany the inhalation, such as a blurring of vision, or a washing out of colors, tingling in the extremities,…
No, sir. You have unlimited data * for now*. With "now" being defined as a period of time between now and whenever they think they can juice you for more:
I'd probably be willing to pay close to my old cable bill (~$65, digital, HD Package, No premiums, TWC West Coast) if it were *MY* a la carte bundle, simply because I would be getting maximum use from the service.
I agree with what you're saying re: CDNs and the like.
Good. There should be friction between HBO and the cable providers, because the cable providers aren't on our team. They add ZERO value to the equation.
Yes, probably ruder than I would have liked to come off - mea culpa on that.
If I were Sanjay Jha I would be soooooooo pissed about having to give George Lucas a cut of the action on one of the biggest hits in my company's history.
I also have a G2 and I have no idea what you're smoking.
I hear what you're saying, and obviously there are places where we agree and disagree. I'm just going to leave my side at this:
If the last 10 years, when business was growing and creating jobs had produced a real wage growth in the middle and lower class I would be in 100% agreement with you, but since it hasn't, and it never has in the history of capitalism, I'm going to have to say that I'm not interested in buying what you're selling.
I doubt you can do basic math.
Do what I asked of EvilSushi -
Have you ever fucking read words before?
I'm deeply impressed by your ability to play the "welfare queen" card, Randian economic falsehoods, and talking points like a checklist all in one comment.
I'm deeply impressed by your ability to play the "welfare q