
@Traveshamockery: Any chance you've got a non-partisan link for that?

@DouchieSnacks: "Leftie" claims have been largely debunked.

@BoscoH: As of right now, so little is known about his politics that your assertion of "no political connection" is equally groundless as the narrative you decry.

@rnoyfb: The nickname is disingenuous, but funny. My brother, who sailed the sea trials in April (as a nuclear power technician in the engine room), is the one who let me in on Big E's "other" nickname.

@rnoyfb: it's long past time for the "mobile Chernobyl" to be decommed. But I agree, we need a new enterprise, stat. Not likely to be a carrier, though, meaning it wouldn't be a flagship. Sad day when they put the big E. to bed, but it really does need doing.

@lazaruspryor: I think what confused me was the reference to Visna. Not sure what that came from. Visna, or "Slow sheep's disease, isn't really genetically similar to HIV, nor is the mechanism of operation similar. HIV is the virus (Human Immunodeficiency Virus), and the disease you suffer from is HIV infection.

@Robotronic: And the Paleo diet, and the ZONE, and...

@dyowell: Your post notes that you have rooted your phone.

@DoctorEcks: Since the transplant happened 4 years ago he's well outside the window for acute GVHD and his risk factor for chronic GVHD effectively approaches zero the farther he gets from the transplant.

@Keith Whistler: I've placed a preorder for the book and plan to read it over Christmas ham and pumpkin pie.

@Keith Whistler: I tend to believe that it is pretty accurate, but I'm also willing to throw in. I am also over weight and need to drop some lbs (like 75 of them), so I'm down.

@RaithMoracus: unfortunately the racist, bigoted, homophobic asshole minority just won control of one branch of our legislature. So yeah...

@PhineasJW: you should strongly consider the G2. It's pure android for all intents, and what bloat there is can be easily felt with.

@jpresson1: Too true, but still not rape.

@GizmoTron9000: The point you failed to grasp is that Hamilton was expressing a parallel argument for why the electoral college was a good thing. Yes, I concede that *he* thought that it was best if the peasents didn't have direct control of electing the President. You are correct about that.