
Since today is all about the Mustang, I agree. Cheap, plentiful parts. Strong support network. Tutorials for any procedure available on Youtube.

The lack of a manual is an issue with the Supra for sure, but the real problem with it is that it’s a phoned in private label BMW.

This bus driver agrees with Toyota’s choice.

What’s going on in these people’s lives that they buy a plane ticket, then protest and get off the plane? I mean, I can afford to waste a $300 plane ticket but I DO need to get home, or wherever I am going. I just don’t understand these people.

Exactly, she was fighting to Stop the Steel Conspiracy. There are 100% all-natural, gluten free, homeopathic paints that will ensure these steel plates are stronger than ever. And by the way, steel is strong metal — whoever says it can break is *lying* to you!

So the person that faked the tests is going to prison, and the executives that lied about the faked tests .... just have to pay a fine out of the company coffers.

Yeah, you might Godiva in the water

If you find yourself on a slowly raising Belgian drawbridge, it’s best not to waffle.

The Plaid is the first car ever that can accelerate better than it can brake

The 300 would like a word with you.

That may be true - but anyone who drives 400+ miles with one 5 minute gas stop must be driving in a car brimming with piss-filled gatorade bottles.

I just can't say enough how impressive Rivian putting a car to market is. When so many of these start ups hype and flop, they've just slowly kept pace and delivered something. The impact them revitalizing the former Diamond Star plant is having on the local area is huge, and I really hope they're a huge success. 

...shorter than a Mini Cooper AND with an 8ft bed pls.  It also has to have 7 available shades of brown, and a unicorn tie down system.

That’s why you go with the best of both worlds and get an extended cab 

But more importantly, what car has its gear shifter to the left side of the driver...?

Why don’t you become a police and do it the right way? 

$13k for a car of that size? Sure they’re pieces of junk but for a big family without a lot of money (goes with the territory) that sounds like a great deal! Not sure any self respecting Springfield resident would go to Shelbyville for that deal though...