
Meh. I fell out of love with diesels because now that emission equipment causes them to clog up with carbon deposits

Nice to see My Chrysler 300 lower on the list lol. Though I can testify to it’s safety in a crash. Coming home from work at 5pm either Halloween 2020 or day before some lady pulled out from a side street right in front of me while I was going 55mph, I t boned her and slide across 3 lanes of traffic coming to a rest by

The CR-Z came out in 2010 in Japan and the reception was really bad from most everyone due to the Hybrid powertrain that was not sporty nor saved on gas that much and most people just really wanted (and was hoping for) an updated standard/Normal CRX. Then they doubled down on this Hybrid tech in 2016 with the 2nd Gen

Let’s see what they come up with.

Invite them to a “beer & bikes” picnic or some other sort of event at the dealership and then repo the bikes there.

Altima was in the shop having it’s bumper duct taped back on.

So what year Altima was she driving?

That interior is just too busy for me. What with the quilting and the perforations and the multiple panels on the seats, the odd choices they made on which parts of the dash and doors to put the wood on. I think the materials are ok but that interior looks like shit. And the ass cheek panels in the seats already look

I’m also resisting the idea of getting another 20 mpg (or worse) vehicle.

In 18 months they’re going to announce the Demon 171, the Final Final ICE-powered dodge muscle car, with 1,026 hp.

I can see how this is going to work. “Here is my notarized order with the dealer stating that I’m buying the car at MSRP”. (Also has a separate order with the dealer parts department for floor mats to be purchased for the special price of $79,000. ) Or perhaps agrees to buy the Demon at MSRP but in a separate

“Buyers want EVs”

I guess that this is Dodge answers my following question, but why does this need to project outwards beyond some minimal pedestrian awareness requirement? If the driver wants sound feedback accompanying throttle input change, then the driver is the only one who needs to hear it on the inside of the car, not people

Yes, the naysayers will claim that the truck barely limped across the finish line. That it took far longer than a diesel equivalent. That they needed ‘bailout’ trucks along the way. That this demonstrates how lacking infrastructure is, even in Europe. Blah blah blah - none of that is wrong.

Right? I can’t get on board with the Lexus or Integra take.

What’s wrong with Lexus?  Them lasting forever a big problem for enthusiasts or something?

My local lots are filling up and the gougy price bumps are disappearing. If there is a car recession I might have to buy a car in the most vengeful and insufferable way possible.

Doesn’t matter how much someone supposedly “knows how to drive in the snow” when there is 2+ inches of ice and everything is on a slope. Lack of friction and inescapable gravity makes everyone a shitty driver.

Doug’s is a voice best suited to silent film.