
Steadying his massive elephant rifle against a well positioned rock, the ‘Housing and Zoning Inspector’ for Troy Michigan, calmly emptied his entire stockpile of high-powered ammunition into the engine block of the “Excursion” Jeep.

Well I’ll be dipped! A feller hooked his peepers on this and wondered how many wobble-pops were involved with this stopalator repair. 

I need a 4-seating-row vehicle or else there’s just not enough space for my 3.5 kids and 1.5 dogs to get to soccer practice with all their hockey gear. Not to mention family vacations with a boat on the roof and pulling the 42' camper.  You might not need this to replace your prius for trips to the smoothie bar, but

Fucking Dodge Stratus.

yes and no. i’ve seen lots of those videos too but remember there are about 350M people in this country. how many interactions DON’T end up with some cop being an asshole?  lots.

Probably traded in to cover the markup on a Palisade

Does anyone at Jalopnik have a Carfax account to run the VIN? (the link on the dealer’s site is dead). That would tell you if they bought it at an auction or not.

I’m guessing the “base” model thing is a default setting on the software that they use to make listings, probably for anything that doesn’t have a trim

Fumoto valve seems like the better solution, but I guess this would be nice for the first oil change when I need to toss the old plug and install the fumoto.

According to the woman fined:

As usual today we hear part of the story & then complain like hell. Here is the rest of the story:

I see Kellyanne Conway got her refresh again.

Yeah. It’d be different if it was some sort of limo.

A thing that combines fancy driving and sipping fine alcohol should definitely have a nice precision breath analyzer with an alcohol interlock.

Anyone ever read Dave Barry? He had a theory that world peace was possible by allowing guys to do stupid stuff in crowds of guys. This releases the primal urge to see stuff go boom without doing something actually harmful to non-guys like making nuclear bombs.

You should go into severe denial about it. That’s how my in-laws rationalize rolling coal.

Now ... if only this would happen to every other coal-rolling assclown out there.

Did he just show us a ridiculously easy way to break into a Tesla Model S Frunk? It doesn’t seem that secure to be honest. Especially now that everyone knows about it. 

There are options between entirely rail and entirely auto dependent.

I don’t think he hit her though, he definitely spat back which was funny and then she went off. Nah Women need to control themselves just as much as men. Wanna pick a fight with someone, you better actually know how to throw down. Men are not your dam punching bags.

Nope nope nope. This is what equality looks like. You don’t get free punches anymore.