
Shoulda called it the One-atara.

I checked and, yeah, Texas Southern general parking permits are $250 or more, and I can totally sympathize with a broke college kid not wanting to pay that.

Now I have the urge to change the Subaru emblem on my Forester’s hatch to Non-Branded Car. But then I’m sure she will sue me for royalty or trade mark infringement of some sort.

I had a former co-worker whose boyfriend was in prison for assault and battery - which stemmed from a road-rage incident she started. She was also charged and arrested, but for whatever reason she remained free.

“Good night, sweetie. Get a good night’s sleep and feel fresh in the morning. When I’ll likely shoot your dog in front of you.” — her father (at her bedroom door every night (while masturbating))

I know you warned us, but I still wasn’t prepared for that.

The question is, this is NC. Did they pay out of pocket for the $20,000 rabies shot or did their insurance cover it 🤣

The loop video is HILARIOUS because after all the commotion it’s just Ned Flanders saying “mornin!”

“How tough are you? Do you do a hard day’s work and still make the time and effort for those you love and care about? Do you build that swing set in the backyard for your children? Do you pick up the plants from the nursery for that new landscaping project? Do you haul that lumber to build that deck for your family

I was watching an episode of Vice Grip Garage yesterday (you should be subscribed to this if you aren’t already) on YouTube and Derek made a comment to the effect of, “these small-block Chevys were designed to run at 6,000 rpm and sing the National Anthem all day long” and it’s hard to disagree. Ford and Chevy small

I have no idea how many times I’ve used my Dremel. Hundreds, for sure. Had it since high school, still comes in handy all the time.

This is painfully accurate. I was trying to break free a caliper bolt on my Tacoma and when it finally went, I faceplanted into the fender. Broke two teeth and needed a root canal. Mucho dinero.

I can save money myself into a poor house. Process is:

Now do the math on how much you would’ve had to pay a shop to do the work.

You’re fine, David.

my snowboard does not fit inside.”

Scientifically speaking? When a woman hears the sound of an IROC-Z Camaro, combined with the visual of a T-Tops, her reproductive instincts take over.

Yes, ask for a refund.

He put solar panels on his roof and wrote a car/motorcycle adjacent article on them to let him claim an even larger deduction on his taxes while, literally, soaking up electricity from the sun.
I think he won this round, sport.

What’s next, driving a car and telling us what it’s like? Such an ass