
Most streetlights were installed when the power requirements for lighting were much higher. The LED lights that replaced the discharge lamps use very little power.

That's pretty cynical. It's time for a big project, like going to the moon, the new deal, or manhattan project. It can be done.

I’ve got a reservation for VW ID.4. It’s the kind of generically-styled, just powerful-enough, and priced-right kind of EV that is going to intrigue the mainstream buyers. It won’t do anything special, it won’t set car fanatics hearts aflutter, and that’s probably a good thing.

Mazda3 AWD TURBO Manual.

The trend of EV sales is definitely going up, up, up. Not sure where you’re seeing otherwise. And it will continue as the prices drop and more manufacturers convert over their lineup.

My next project is in worse shape than this truck.

Still not nearly as bad as all the Chargers wrecked by The Dukes of Hazard.

In other news, the QAnon edition Silverado has been canceled.

While I always send off numbers to people who ask, I completely understand why salesmen despise doing that. You’re literally just telling the next dealer the client contacts after you how to beat your offer. They’re damned if they do, damned if they don’t.

Remember folks, always wait until you get home and you’re settled in for the night before blazing up. Too much shit like this happens and it’s gonna be the death of freedom for potheads if it doesn’t stop immediately.

Calm down there, Mr. Regular


A, rare option for this vehicle.

Yeah, but that TruCoat...

He didn’t lift the regulations that need to be lifted: the stupid 25-year import shit and the different-not-better US standards. If we signed on to the UNECE standards, the 25-year shit would be moot, and it would allow companies to make one car instead of two.

Goes great with less positive results if we don’t test as much.

Seems like a good idea - until 5 years after production Chrysler discontinues replacement roof panels. 

God this movie is gold whenever these two are on screen.
