
You get what you pay for, I guess.

Jeep builds beautiful and amazing concept vehicles for the Easter Jeep safari every year which people beg them to actually produce, which they never do, and then they finally tell us they’ll bring back a famous and beloved nameplate and they give us this!? That’s not a Grand Wagoneer! That doesn’t look like a Wagoneer

My first thought was a stretched out patriot. Really huge let down on the exterior styling. Interior looks upscale but holy screen overload, what are there, like 9 LCDs in this thing? I’m sure those will all work just perfectly for 12 years and 150k miles.....

That thing is F-ing ugly. Exterior looks like a stretch and skewed Renegade with chrome. Proportions are off and is bland. Interior looks good but I’d be hard pressed to trust FCA electronics. Can’t believe that exterior after the years of waiting and hype 

So, are these the original fleshlight?

I am still a little miffed we don’t at least have the option to rent range extender batteries for any and all EV’s out there. something that can plug in and be replaced with a charged version as simply as a USB port or anderson connector at least. these do not necessarily need to be expensive or bulky, just some thing

I need to see the Venn diagram for Trump fans, musk fans and Kanye fans. I feel like they overlap bigly

I couldn’t watch the video with sound and with no closed captioning made it useless for me except for one thing; I wish my wife looked at me like this woman looks at this guy telling the story.

“People are just more practical with their money these days...”

What’s missing in that interior are a University of Alabama logo and images of Bear Bryant stitched into the seats.

Why in gods name would you put side pipes on an off road vehicle?

It’s especially egregious as David is a renter.  He’s not trashing his own property.  He’s abusing the kindness of the landlord.

We tried to get a 2wd HRV for my sister but because we are in the Northeast, we couldn’t put find a dealer with one. “Everyone want 4wd here” said the salesman. We haven’t had real snow in Jersey for years. 

“It would’ve been best for the auto industry and EV adoption if they had proven the concept that an EV could be sleek, fast and desirable and then gotten out of the way”

Ask a certain bourbon maker. Been doing it over 100. years.

My grandfather liked Carter.  As for his somewhat lackluster presidency Grandpa just said “He was too damn honest for Washington”.

beat me to it

Oh, man. You gotta love those magnificent stripes, the white painted steel wheels, blood red vinyl interior, 351W, and about 2 feet of ground clearance from the factory.

It seems FCA’s answer to everything these days is to just drop a big engine in to their aging, uncompetitive line up...

Funny (to me) story.....I was born and raised in the metro Detroit area but have lived in PA for the past 15. I’ve always wondered where Mr. Tracy lives just out of curiosity. Two weekends ago I’m back in my hometown for a funeral and get off I-79 headed up Rochester Rd. There, out of the corner of my eye, I catch