
Los Angeles is easier?

Union salaries, overtime, pensions, and other benefits.

Could you provide a picture of that current Dakota you speak of?

I guess it’s true: There are no new ideas. Just recycled ones.

...and don’t forget they pretty much owned the entire minivan segment.

This is what I’m slowly starting to realize as a Realtor who sees a lot of credit reports of my clients.

“Nobody say a word. We’re filming. QUIET! QUIET!”

Help me understand this.

I want to believe it was an act and part of the bit. He played the straight man.

Yep. I agree.

His weekly podcasts are good stuff too.


“Playground garage”

Wow - she is nothing like I’d expect her to be now. She’s actually a smart, deep and serious person. I saw from Facebook that she now is married with a kid. That’s not much of a surprise. But she’s apparently a devout Christian who is devoting her life to improving the world. And, yea, she still looks good. (Feels

I would love to know what happened to Laila after the show. Did she relaunch her jean and jewelry business? Did she use the van to “pick-up merchandise”? Is she still hot? Or did she get married, knocked-up, packed on 30 lbs and drives a Honda Pilot with car seats and cheerios crushed into the carpet?

You are setting a good example for others to follow. Safety first.


What was your parent’s response to this? Seems like if they were willing to cosign for you, they might have tried to talk you out of buying the car you couldn’t afford.

Point well taken. I thought there might be some fun in having a unique quirky car to run around in on the weekends. I know with the limited horsepower, you would be cruising mostly the local neighborhood streets.

Are these things hard to get parts for in the U.S.? Are they expensive to buy and maintain as a weekend fun car?