
Too soon, too soon.

Yes. But people have to buy it first new.

I had my spare stolen from underneath my 2008 Grand Cherokee. I kept the replacement laying flat in the cargo area.

Hunting pigs from a helicopter sounds like the dumbest way to kill wild pigs. I’ve got to imagine it’s a silly excuse for someone with an AR-15 or machine gun to have fun.

Sergio Marchionne seems to have (for now) given up on his quest to find a buyer/merger for Fiat-Chrysler. He said it was necessary because the company couldn’t afford to redesign their products without spending billions that would erode any chance of making the money back. He believed that it only made sense to merge

Two words: Doug Demuro

So you wanted to be a cool guy in Dubai and drive the exotic American muscle car huh?

I gave up internet dating a decade ago. But if I try it again, I’m going to try to keep the first dates limited to something inexpensive and quick like getting coffee. One of my many mistakes was taking them to a nice dinner. It’s a bummer to meet your date in person and having to spend the time and pick up the check

Conflicted: I like David Tracy but I’m a homeowner who is about to sell his home.

Have been to Delhi. Can confirm. I think I shortened my lifespan just being there a week.

These are the same jeeps? Wow-you did a nice job. I like it. They look like two different generations but I don’t know my jeep history very well.

PT Cruiser is a great example. Chrysler Corporation has tons of examples of “Flash in the pan” new models.

As someone who used to work for Chrysler Corporation years ago, I will wager that there will be a good amount of these unsold and discounted. Check in again by this time next year.

Fair point. I agree. Although I suspect the women’s car is similar to mine. The doors lock automatically once your speed goes over something like 5-10mph. Since it looks like a parking lot, maybe she was leaving and hadn’t gotten over the speed threshold.

I recommend buying all the Oprah edition G6 sedans. They’re a solid long term investment.

Attention Walmart Shoppers, “Come with me if you want to live.”

Several generations in to the future, children will be shown documentaries about how the planet came to be a wasteland that no longer supports human life as we know it. This will probably make the highlight reel. 

Your high school teachers sound very different from my high school teachers.

You’re referring to the Grand Wagoneer. This article is about his other purchase, the Cherokee Golden Eagle. They share a common platform though. The Wagoneer is going to Moab and appears to have more rust issues.