
I dreamed about owning a 1st gen Mustang. I subscribed to the Mustang magazine which educated me on every detail / option. My parents gave me my older sister’s Honda Civic when she left for college. But in my junior year of H.S, they surprised me by getting me a ‘65 Mustang. It was amazing. I wasn’t a spoiled kid but

Walmart brings out the worst in people.

You beat me to it. Have a star.

Aww. That’s harsh.

My first thought was exhaust leak / poisoning.

I’m in hot pursuit! Hold on Flash!

Hey, hey, hey. This is Shauna Sand you are talking about. She was married to Lorenzo Lamas once. So you watch your mouth pal!

This is Chicago - my home !

Now playing

I am glad there are HOA’s. I live in one and the board members are level-headed. If anything they are too lenient.

You don’t live in a HOA. Am I right?

Next press release....

We need to see the bottom of the list!

You make valid points.

(No judgement here, seriously). But, I’m wondering if you had considered an alternative to letting him drive if he was not mentally all there. It’s easy for me in hindsight to say this but perhaps calling the police or offering to call him a friend or relative might have been a better choice.

This is way too heavy-handed. If this is just one unit owner, then fine the one unit owner.

Opinions & results vary.

Those guys who do Lemons Racing just called....They want their look back.

Yes! I have a diesel jeep and kept the block heater plugged in for hours prior to starting it in Chicago’s recent below zero weather.