
May I steal this response for all internet trolls? It’s perfect.

This might be the rare exception where the smell of cigarette smoke and ash in the hard to reach crevices increases the value of a used car.

That dialogue between the husband & wife was really off-putting.

Drum brakes still used on new Toyota Tacomas.

1st Gear:

Assuming it’s a 9 to 5 job, how does someone charge with solar panels? (Also assuming the solar panels are at home.)

I’ve also thought about this a lot over the years.

A long time ago I worked for DaimlerChrysler and got free company cars. When these came out, only my boss and higher ranking people were allowed the privilege to have a Crossfire as their assigned car. A few months later when dealers quickly realized there was no demand and stopped ordering them, all employees were

Possible answer - “generational wealth”. Not sure what the technical definition is. But in my mind, it means he inherited money and property.

Why don’t you want seat belts on a school bus?

Do they have seatbelts now? When I rode the school bus in the late ‘80s, the school bus wasn’t equipped with them. Even at that time, I thought it was nuts.

Was the landlord okay with you planting it there?

I appreciate this story. Because along the same lines (albeit cheaper version), I bought a tow strap simply to have in my car for heroics. I’ve used it to help other random people. But thankfully I’ve never needed it for my own rescue.

Not me but some of you might remember this Jalop.

I appreciate your self deprecating candor but let’s not poo-poo those childless folks who eschew society’s mandates that minivans and wagons are only for uncool soccer Moms.

Why did you go with the I3 over the Leaf? Just looking at Torch’s chart makes it appear the Leaf is better except perhaps for the prestige of driving a BMW.

Do you ever find yourself in a situation where you aren’t able to make a local trip due to range limits? I.E. Does it take away your moments when instead of going home after work, you want to go somewhere else first? I would imagine if you live in a spread-out city and want to go somewhere further from home it could

So are the tags up to date? Because if this thing still operates, it would be mildly interesting to learn about the long term costs of ownership.

Never heard on Jalopnik: The PT Cruiser outperformed the Audi.