
Upon further review, the ref on the floor was charged with Devine intervention.

Wow, Terry Bowden has really let himself go.

No but it’s overly simplistic and misinformed. The primary objective was to get nerve regeneration because without it, arm strength is a moot point. Again, HGH would not be part of his rehab regiment. Possibly down the road but not at that time. So, no, not really tough to understand.

Cory Schneider’s high school yearbook picture.

Show me a thoughtful, educated reply to my comment, and I’ll let you know. His response was full of empty calories. Plus, I’ve already stated I’m not a Manning fan, but I realize that doesn’t fit your tidy narrative.

Could bode well for the return of Johnny Moneyball.

Might have considered the Booze Crew...all the rage in Legoland.

Well, look at the big brain in the top of William’s head. Such clinical precision on the wordsmithing. My goodness but this is all over your head when we look a bit more closely.

Too bad your haughty prose does nothing to discount the fact that HGH would not be useful in nerve compression recovery. The confusion is

So you’re now abandoning the ACL angle now, eh? Probably best. Keep spinning though, very entertaining.

Irony alert: much of Kendall “Fringe” Marshall’s NBA career fits squarely in the “not doing shit” category.

Then you know it’s not used for nerve compression and that his injuries were made public and in detail. Or now you know. Manning’s wife was also verified to be a patient at that clinic you know?

Ok, let’s play your scenario out then. What was Peyton using HGH for? It wouldn’t help with his injury. Even though you’re not even close to a doctor you can surely verify it online, no?

HGH helps speed recovery with cartilage, bones, muscles, etc. But Manning’s issue was nerve compression.

But don’t let that stop your issuance of public ignorance.

I mean, I love pointing out that Manning was obviously using the HGH and getting his dickriders riled up as much as the next internet dingus, but most reasonable people know he was

So Superman snatching goes from ‘puter to pewter?

Nantz: I would be shocked if there’s anybody in professional golf doing that. Shocked. You hear, “they’re hitting it so far.”

I’m sure this was said when Marcus was traded, but, how does a team with Dick Van Arsdale in the front office break up a pair of twins and not think there will be a problem?

Custodial Artisan.