Excellent work tracking the ball into your head, kid. Just like in my instructional video.
- Jose Canseco
Excellent work tracking the ball into your head, kid. Just like in my instructional video.
- Jose Canseco
That pathetic display is a clear violation of the Uncle Rico Act circa 1982.
Thanks to some internet sleuths, she’s been identified as Lynda from The Housewives of Yorba Linda. Favorite pastimes include pegging her man in public and emasculating MS-13 members with impunity. Or so I’m told.
That’s part of her villainous allure too. As is the fact she decides to drop her half-eaten piece of pizza on top of the dumped plate at her feet.
That’s cold-hearted shit, like a hit-man pumping one last shot in the dead guy’s head. Then she brushes the pizza crumbs off her fingers like it’s all in a day’s work and ca…
Best part (48 seconds in) is that his pizza and paper plate land upright in the lady’s lap in front of him. She brusquely brushes it away with a delicious callousness. Like a boss.
Rosen wouldn’t throw Smith a paper bag sandwich.
Guy in the front was so upset he still Can’t Drive 55.
If I were you, I’d Google Carolina Hurricanes and the word Jerks. But that’s just me. The joke is adrift above your head.
You sound like a real Jerk.
Brazilian whacks job.
March Cam: in like he’s lyin’ out like a lambskin.
Looks like Trump has found Stephen Miller’s eventual replacement.
Yeah...ok...so the runner was no slouch but what was the posture of the Lion?
- Matt Patricia
You just made the case for his exclusion.
The HOF if for great, not “just plain good...damn good” players.
Best true Manute Bol story: when he played for the then-Bullets, there was a rumor about how he had killed a lion in the Sudan.
Jeff Ruland piped and said he’d killed the lion by shooting a free-throw at it.
Moises Alou and his boys were banned from trick or treating in an adjoining neighborhood for urinating on bats.
Spergon Wynn for the win.
Really? Didn’t know Rob Johnson was still on the Bills roster.
Packer fans still miffed that #88 wasn’t retired to honor Bubba Franks?