
After her disappearance from FS1 at least she appeared on the side of Milf carton.

Let’s also not foget getting rid of All-Pro Evan Mathis, who I can almost guarantee was the source of the anonymous qoute, for nothing. Chip Kelly is a jerk who doesn’t tolerate other jerks, and that cuts across all races and ethnicities.

Oh, there’s The Panda, creeping girls on Instagram in the Fenway clubhouse bathroom.

He’s right, there isn’t, except for the facts that he let two of his most potent offensive players (both African-American) go without any return, traded a third (also African-American) for a (white) linebacker coming off his second ACL tear...

What matters is that Ben Simmons, almost certainly the next first overall NBA draft pick, is so much more athletic than most college players that he’s a highlight machine.

A net? A fucking net?

♪♫ Never seen that one before ♪♫

♫ Human Growth you taste so good ♪

You can’t avoid good teams in the playoffs.

Yep, and let’s not forget that what Antonio Brown did was a direct rip-off of what Steve Smith did years ago vs. Da Bears. Good job by AB but only partial credit for the remix.

“There are clearly too many hands inside that pair of pants, but not a lot of movement.”

I love that even Michaels and Collingsworth know how much BS the celebration penalties are.

Why all the hand-wringing that Okafor put up his Dukes?

Yes sir, Mr. Cleaver, I was hoping you might help my grandson Ethan out of a bit of a pickle he’s gotten himself into with the autorities.

A subliminal message from the chef to Luke for his dickish move?

Nice going.

Same here but I’d recently read a bio piece about Montana, in the Chicago Trib maybe, and that was their account. No, it’s not the same as Tannehill’s situation at A&M but Montana was brought up in a larger context about QB’s.

Correct, that Lisch was #1 in 1977. Montana was #3 though behind Gary Forystek. In that Purdue game, Lisch stunk up the place and was replaced by Forystek. He then got hurt and they went back to Lisch who still was bad. Then they turned to Montana.

Please let this be the only thing from ‘80s hockey that comes back.

No, he was 3rd string to start 1977 and only became the permanent starter after one of his patented comebacks.