
Honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised if they are a person who is estranged from their children. Their comments sound like a way of lashing out at the children they can’t reach. We’re just a stand in for whatever other issues they’re having in their life.

Friendship, effort, victory!

It’s the potato face. Maybe it’s not as pronounced as Charming Tater’s, but it’s there.

Thank you! This is one thing my beau does not understand. He is puzzled that I vastly prefer Christoph Waltz over Ryan Gosling. I think Ryan Gosling seems so...bland. Like mayonnaise on white bread bland.

Fair point. My speculation is based on K not just admitting her feelings, but actually trying to kiss the letter writer only now that he is engaged. (Though, I doubt that he’s established particularly strong boundaries with K as she’s tried to kiss him multiple times...I get that he’s torn. And I have sympathy for

She doesn’t love him. She loves drama.

Same. These books meant so much to me as a child. I read them for the first time in elementary school. When I got my first paying job (in high school), I went out and bought the hardcover editions with the foil design. Decades have passed and I STILL have them.

Word. David O. Russell sounds like an emotional ghoul.

She probably thought that if he wasn’t DTF he’d at least be flattered enough by the ego boost to a. not bring it up with this wife and b. not fire her. Even if we believe that the text was an accident, she’s pegged herself as a threat to the marriage — doesn’t matter if he’s 100% not interested, there’s no good reason

I bet dollars to donuts that she was testing the waters . She knew exactly who she was sending it to; she just didn’t expect him to go scorched earth if he rejected her advances.

Yeah, but I’m also willing to bet that minorities don’t spend as much at the box office because they don’t see themselves represented on screen, esp. not in complex roles.

Thank you. One of the first things I did was look up a picture of the victim. All too often, they are erased.

I read it exactly the same way. She’s not just calling him a bitch, she’s calling him her bitch.

I started it on a flight back from Thailand! It gave me these brilliant, bizarre fever-dreams.

I liked “The Road,” but man, reading it felt like a funeral dirge. I had to put the book down so many times; some of the passages are just brutal.

Paolo Bacigalup is an absolutely phenomenal author!

Not so much the “love of a good woman,” but lots and lots of therapy. There’s an article from a while back where he talks about going through analysis. He seemed to realize that he wasn’t going to meet the kind of woman he wanted to settled down with if he didn’t cut the crap and start working out some of his issues.

Ignoring her, moving on with the rest of the lesson and dealing with the issue after class was also an option. There are ways to handle people who disobey authority without going completely batshit insane.

And the update from the CEO is horrifying (emphasis mine):