
I that hear if you chant "feminism" in a bathroom mirror five times the ghost of Andrea Dworkin will appear and destroy your entire pornography collection.

I am struggling with this, except I'm good friends with both parties. The husband I've known for a very long time; the wife, well I liked her the instant I met her and over the years we've become friends in our own right. They have an open marriage and things seemed like they were working just fine, but he met someone

I have a 20+ hour flight ahead of me and I am so glad that I read this article.

Even the trailer for that damn movie gave me nightmares. Nope, nope, nope...

You know, if we could muster the energy.

Hold up. What?

No snark; I applaud this woman's courage in coming forward, even if it is decades after the assault. Despite all the nasty things that people are going to undoubtedly say about her, I hope she feels a sense empowerment in finally being able to share her story.

Ugh. I'm sorry to hear that. People can be such assholes sometimes.

Fuck. That. Noise.

I'm sure your hero would be impressed with your behavior.

Well, you seem like a pleasant person.

Thanks for the correction!

Unfortunately, Mr. Attenborough recently passed away. And now I has a sad. :(

And remember to spend that legendary hour doing something, well... legendary.

Some men just hate and fear women.

He's a predator who exploits inexperience and the notion of consent being this one-time thing to abuse his victims. I've stumbled across this blog (…) and found it really informative in putting this whole story into a larger context.

I hope he holds on to those videos because I think they're going to be the only thing he has to cry-masturbate to for a real long while.

I think that most of the criticism she engenders is well founded, however I also think that there is this weird sexism that colors a good deal of it and that allows her and her defenders to dismiss it.

I know. I like this woman in theory, but the actual execution is just plain awful.

Yeah, Neil sorta now feels like that one friend who seems like an okay guy but then they start dating someone really awful and you're like, hmm...maybe this person is not as great as I thought they were.