
I know. I cannot think of a more tone-deaf strategy for this dude to take.

Oooh! Good idea! I think I'm gonna watch me some Supernatural this Hallow's Eve.

Really, I want to know the thought process that led him (and his crisis-management company) to the conclusion that this was a good idea. Just imagine what was going through the heads of the CBC brass as they sat down to watch this. If it wasn't so fucking awful, it'd be hilarious!

I just yelled "what?" out loud at my computer upon seeing the headline of this article. Like, really. What?

Wait, what?

I always found executioner's swords really fascinating. Their ends weren't pointed and they required two hands because they weren't intended for combat. They also usually had inscriptions and artwork that was highly symbolic of their use.

Ding ding ding ding!!! We have a winner!!

I think you're probably right. It's really hard for me to understand and accept that there are people out there who derive pleasure from hurting others (without consent.) I can't wrap my brain around it.

What I really hate is the sense of entitlement these men have in approaching any woman they want, while they denigrate me for saying that I don't like it. There's something deeply insulting in being told that it's not that they don't care about how I feel, rather it is how I feel that is wrong. I'm the one with the

You're right. I don't think behavior like this should be excused away with a diagnosis. I'm not trying to excuse it, but maybe explain it? He sounds like a genuinely awful human being. I think sociopaths (predators) are hard-wired differently. I don't think it's a matter of right and wrong, but the willingness to so

Though I have no doubt that that's what he straight up legit believes. I would not be surprised if he had delusional disorder.

Yesterday I got called an angry man-hater who can't take a compliment because I said most people wanted to be left the fuck alone as they go about their day. Never mind that I was harassed on my way home by a group of men talking about my body. Oh! And I just received a notice about an attempted rape in the

That's what I thought the video was going to be as well.

"Mama June's Dated Sex Offenders Before." That's it. I am officially done.

Yeah, I was also young when I first picked it up. I remember wanting a prehensile tail so badly.

I think Japan has some of the most well-done "modern horror" stories.

Oh god. I was listening to this at work with my headphones on when I heard someone calling my name. But when I took my headphones off, no one was. O_0

" Sexy blankety blank"? Has anyone ever gone as a "sexy" blanket? If not, I think I know what my costume is going to be this year! (hint: me, naked, wrapped up in a blanket on my couch. Sleeping.)

Yes, but women are not so weak that they can't open doors or pull out their own seats.

Yes, yes it does. Bigjack, you're an adult. You don't have to visit people if you don't want to. Maybe you wouldn't like the repercussions, but you certainly have the choice.