
huh? so what exactly did you do? not exactly helpful. But I'm glad you finally tackled your weight and debt issues. good for you, buddy!

I'm reading this thinking, geeze, doesn't this guy know about steamers? And then it occurs to me, that the majority of writers on this site are men. And as sexist as it may be, most guys don't know as much about caring for clothes as women. It also explains why LifeHacker never has good content for women on subjects

One word: Steamer.

Vive Tobias Fünke!

Hey, I'm trying this the next time I go to the opera!

A good start would be to stop using the word tasked when you mean asked.

Is it Google Day today or something?

you know, if jesus had turned ice cream into cake, maybe I would be more willing to go to church.

Oh please. If you're even reading a post about ice cream bread/cake you're not worrying too much about the integrity of the ingredients. This sounds like perfect PMS food.

This looks truly gnarlicious. I will be making it, just for the fun of it. Maybe with salted caramel ice cream...

Once you've decluttered, invest in a Roomba. It is expensive, but worth every penny as far as I'm concerned.