
Wow. Shit like this almost makes me glad I don’t have friends. It’s also partly WHY I don't have friends- I don't put up with bullshit. Also I have my own shit that others don't want to deal with. I understand that, but even I would never confront someone over something trivial like that.

Hey lady, it’s INTERNATIONAL House of Pancakes, what the fuck did you expect?!

Hopefully without the bangs, either. that was the #1 reason I couldn’t watch that show, the bangs were just.... wrong.

Everyone get a breast pump! We can chase him out of everywhere he goes!

I haven’t done much research, but my logical assumption is that it would be easier to find and prosecute human traffickers because their victims could seek help without fear of prosecution. Someone could even go undercover to a legal brothel and ask the women (or men) “are you here against your will? do you need

“[We are] deeply troubled by Amnesty’s proposal to adopt a policy that calls for the decriminalization of pimps, brothel owners and buyers of sex — the pillars of a $99 billion global sex industry.”

I’m not normally a violent person, and am against the death penalty in most cases, but when it comes to animals something in me gets primal. Maybe it’s the maternal instinct that i otherwise lack for people, coming through in my desire to protect innocent animals. Whatever the reason, I feel like the only appropriate

A Jenner/Kardashian graduating high school? I call bullshit. Let’s see the transcripts!

Of course, i know that! I have always wanted to read the story that Pauline and Julie were working on. It sounded like an adolescent version of Game of Thrones.
“But the queen’s worst problem is her renegade son Diello, who’s an uncontrollable little blighter and slaughters he nannies whenever the fancy takes him!”

You forgot her best role by far, Sophie in Carnivále! That show was so ahead of its time. In 2003/4 it couldn’t get the ratings and so it was cancelled. but if it was on now, what with American Horror Story, Game of Thrones, Walking Dead, Boardwalk Empire, Deadwood, Penny Dreadful, Lost, etc, being some of the most


I was so fucking obsessed with Heavenly Creatures for my entire teenage life. You have no idea... I only watched BIAC because she was in it, even tho it was a tiny part. Shit, I haven't thought about that in years.

I assumed this was the 90210 cast cuz this looks just like whatsherface, the bitchy one with the lazy eye. And that guy in the vest could be Luke Perry. The clothes all look too modern, not 90s enough.

I don’t see any horses, who’s playing Donna?

“...working is my life... so I can get back to work.”

and yoghurt!!

Ha ha! try having H cups.

Woot Woot! Put ‘em in the air!!

Some day, maybe let’s say when i turn 40, i am going to have an Un-wedding complete with an un-honeymoon and un-shower. I will send out flyers to all my relatives and acquaintances informing them that I am celebrating a very Real and Meaningful milestone of being single for 40 years, and will be taking a vow to remain