Fuck weddings.
Fuck weddings.
There is a really simple fix: just fucking ignore them! let them get their panties in a twist, who cares?! if the media would stop giving them so much coverage and the government would stop catering to religious conservatives as if they are anything more than a fringe group, we could all go on living in peace without…
I’ve never gotten a marriage license before, but the term “applying” suggests to me that you are just picking up or dropping off paperwork. Do both of them have to be present? Do you have to tell the clerk who you’re marrying? Why can’t one of them just go in, get the documents, and mail them in filled out?
So wait, is she grilling hetero couples about whether they have had premarital sex, plan to have children, etc? cuz if not, she can’t say this is about religious beliefs. you can’t pick and choose what parts of your religion apply to your job, it’s all or nothing.
he looks very young, maybe his parents complained.
that can’t be his knees, how would he take a picture of his knees pressed against from the other side of the glass? there are clearly doors reflected on the glass but no reflection of the picture taker (“photographer” seems a little lofty for this type of pic), i have no idea what that means, just an observation. It’s…
“ No boy I don’t watch tv, I work for a living.”
Lol, what?
I totally agree with you, except that in this case, too many people were making the *wrong* choice and it puts the greater society at risk. No one wants to be told what to do. If everyone could just see reason and listen to a fucking doctor, then fatal diseases that we had all but wiped out would not be coming back,…
rubella also sounds like a vegetable. like a tiny rutabaga.
The internet.
Listen Jerks, no one wants the government to interfere with their personal healthcare. But too many of you were making stupid decisions that put other people in danger, so now the government has to step in and take away everyone’s choice. Sometimes the gov. needs to be a parent and make you do what is best for the…
I’ve never seen this show, and probably won’t, but here’s what confuses me: if it’s based on the author’s experience and she only spent a year in jail, how is this show going on 3 seasons? do they just keep tacking on extra sentencing? or does each season cover only a small amount of time?
Rob Haskell and whatever editor allowed this to be published, can EAT MY BIG GAY ASS. That is all.
Why did they even get seated?! Why did one of the people who had been waiting patiently for a table jump up and say “hell no, i was here first! get to the back of the line!” or at least the host should have said “can you do me a favor and go tell those other families that their hour long wait just got even longer…
Charlize must have found out what he did to Madonna and decided it was safer to never see him again.
I would love to receive this. and the check i sent would be for 2¢ and in the note line it would read “here’s my 2 cents: you shouldn’t get married.”
Welp... all i can say is i hope that kid gives her father hell and he regrets ever seeking custody.
The best bad wedding cakes are at Cake Wrecks! I could look at those for hours.