
That website is really amazing. But why is every single woman on there completely shaved/waxed? Not a single pubic hair in sight. makes me feel like even in a place where diverse forms of beauty are celebrated, i am still not considered acceptable for being natural.

When Happy Endings was on the air, I never even heard of it. probably cuz i don't watch much network tv, and the stuff i do watch was on nbc... but then i saw the reruns on Logo andOMFG BEST SHOW EVER! i'm so sad i didn't get to contribute to ratings when it was airing.

I haven't watched the episode yet, but now that i know there's pegging i am super excited to!!

All beer tastes like fermented ass water. cuz that's what it is. i will never understand why people force poison down their throats until they can trick their body into liking it's taste.

The word "womb" is never sexy. never. it's the opposite. if someone said that to me while we were banging, i would vomit all over him and then take long, scorching hot shower while i cried.

Doesn't look like he's very good at it....

I'd really like to hear what her sons have to say.

yes, thank you. holding on to a heavy object (or child) on a plane is like trying to hold a cannon ball. it might not be heavy sitting in your lap, but when it's traveling 500 mph and suddenly you are not...

Where did it say that? I'm pretty sure it's not true. The reason infants under 2 are allowed to be held is because they are light enough that an adult could hold on in the event of a crash or turbulence. Anything heavier would create a force greater than a person could restrain when thrown. There's physics involved,

but it's not about "rules" it's about a child's safety! you just can't fly with a kid on your lap, it's dangerous. the family should have called ahead and asked for a seat with proper accommodations or brought their own.

That is the first thing i thought of! How can you not have a safety seat for your daughter to fly? just because they've "never had a problem before" doesn't mean it won't happen! holding a child in your lap is very unsafe, i'm surprised no one has stopped them before.

Just one question: why is there a transvestite donkey witch in the header?

That was one of the best sketches of the year. I loved their little songs, I may even add them to my playlist.

I'm sure the risk of infection is no greater than having hemorrhoids or anal fissures, which are very common. Just use baby wipes and don't skip a shower and it should be fine.

If someone gave me this, I would literally cut them out of my life. With a knife.

Anyone who would spend more than $20 on a pair of sweat pants is a fucking idiot. Doesn't matter what they say on the side, that is insanity.

The Gift Guide I REALLY need is "what to give your wealthy sibling, when you yourself are broke."

A black Moses? I just want a Jewish one! or at the very least one not named Christian.... :/

Harry and Ron? Eeeeeeew! No, it's Harry/Draco, OTP 4eva! lol. I know JKR said that Draco was not misunderstood, he was just an asshole - but that's why we shippers love him! we don't care about the nice, happy, lovable characters, we want to live vicariously through a character who is an absolute shit. He's nasty and