
When do we get the Rum Ham Raisin version?

Did we expect anything different?

I’m not sure if I could choose a favorite between The Third and Goes Forth.

I prefer to roast asparagus. Oven to 425, toss with olive oil, salt and pepper, place in a single layer in however big a baking dish you need. For thin stalks, maybe 8-10 minutes, thicker ones get up to 15. Finish with some lemon juice and go for it.

The look on Hugh Laurie’s face when he delivered the succeeding “BRAVO!” will never fail to make me laugh.

Jacques Pepin and Martin Yan really taught me to love food and cooking as a kid.

Agreed, and I thought Bill Engvall wasn’t half bad either. Way more of a “dumb old dad” shtick than Redneck.

I grew up singing in my church choir. And I mean old-school, gothic cathedral, real classical liturgical music. Verdi, Handel, and Bach. It was stirring, uplifting, sacred, and meaningful.

During the event at my son’s high school, some Rambo types showed up nearby with their AR-15s to counter-protest.

Trefoils deserve extra credit for their secondary use: crushed and mixed with butter and sugar, they make an excellent pie or cheesecake crust.

These had better be good, orzo help me God....


I’m waiting for the day he orders the Royal Marines to take back Manhattan island.

Words which I never thought could cause me to experience semantic satiation: “crankpin”.

“She alone decided that she did not want to continue with the pregnancy and I offered to help her financially during this difficult period,”

Who is Lionel Hutz? That is very clearly Miguel Sanchez.