
I name my current cars people's descriptions of my cars.

I appreciate the response. Not trying to attack your thoughts, but those were actual replies and discussions I had with someone who was actually grieving at the time. I'll try to answer based on what I think he meant. I'm sure your perception has merit too since each situation is different.

I really think it's the hollow words feeling which adds further pressure. The following are things my friend said were things people said that were both triggers and pressures of his while grieving (Death of two grandmothers in a span of 4 months + life threatening infection to his mother in same time period).

Whoops. Mixed up the users I was replying to. To be honest, I was hoping that suggesting you withdraw $20k be about the same standard of living as what you currently have even without the subsidies etc. To be honest, I really don't know whether that is the case because I am not well versed in American tax laws.

Wow... what a conundrum for Mattheous to be in. Definitely isn't a good answer available without more information.

Well, it's not the greatest, yes, but it's also good enough. I've done this 30 mins to 4 hours and it works for me. I feel refreshed with very little groggy. I find I have less zoning out and ringing ears than if I slept 2-4 hours with the light off though.

Hmm... That's fair. My mistake.

I'm pretty sure refusal is only allowed if directly to a minor. I used to grab those games for my brother because he would be refused the sale. (He was probably 14 or 15 at the time).

I merely tried to simplify the consideration that if only half the amount was remaining, that he would at least have enough to draw $20k for at least 25 years. I admit it might be an overly simplified comment to make.

You live off $6,000 a year? Wow.

I really want to see Microsoft buy them out and merge the Blackberry platform with windows phone to build a phone purely designed for productivity. Just to see what would emerge.

There's also the option of doing things on the side to show that you aren't a flat personality. I mean, it seriously looks weird if your resume shows only a single job regardless of how long you worked.

Agree. I don't like the feel of the arm bands in general let alone a sock. I'm happy using a wireless mp3 instead.

1. Add a scent to discourage a cat (might make it smell worse temporarily)

Yep, definitely a lesson well learned. When my girlfriend had her wallet stolen, we called in to cancel the cards. She had no access to a credit card nor her bank account for about a week while replacement cards were being sent (Apparently her bank cannot merely reissue a card at a branch location).

I've found that if I'm doing a late night, if I need to wake up after a "nap" of around 90 minutes to continue working, leaving the lights on helps a lot. I don't feel as groggy when I wake up. Sleep isn't as deep maybe?

Hmm... For me personally, the nap to and from work would suffice... but you can always do the eyes closed during lunch trick if you can manage. Sure it's not a nap, nap, but I find that my eyes feel less tired and thus I can slug through the day using this trick. (Eye drops don't work on my eyes for some odd reason)

I'm guessing for a guy, the anchor to the look would be the shoes, belt and maybe watch. For a girl, neck (ie: Scarf or necklace), hair and bag are added as well.

Well, I guess the $50 isn't totally true. My dress shoes were in the $80-90 range and my suit was probably $300. My winter jacket was $120 too.

Heh, I didn't realize others did this.